Blackstar X Reader

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You fight and Break up. Then Make up. For HailleEpperson.

Blackstar P.O.V.

          (Y/N) and I had a massive fight. So bad that she went to stay at Kid's house. She was upset because I went on a mission like always but it was ment for a team. I went alone just me and Tsbuski. We both got hurt. She just woke up from a coma an hour ago. The mission was last week.

    (Y/N) yelled at me for being an idiot and not being careful. She was upset at me for getting hurt and for letting Tsbuski get hurt. Like I already didn't feel bad about that. I should of been able to handle it. Instead I failed and got myself and weapon partner nearly killed. If it wouldn't of been for (Y/N) and her weapon partner Lomen we coming and killing it we wouldn't be here.

    Now I am in a worse predicament. Not only because she is mad at me but because I said some really hurtful things to her. I told her I didn't need her. That I could do everything on my own. That she was in my way. Now I am sitting here next to Tsubaki who has been lecturing me on how I should have handled the situation.

    I sigh for the millionth time watching my happiness fly away. How could I of been so stupid. I caused her to say the one thing I never wanted to hear. It's still ringing in my ears. "If I am not needed or wanted maybe I shouldn't be here or with you." And how did I respond, "Great just go. It will make my life easier." Only problem is. I didn't mean a word I said.

    I watched those tears roll down her face. And for the first time ever I caused them. Normally I would fight anyone and anything that caused those tears to slip out of  her perfect  (e/c) eyes. Now I am the one who did it.

      While I am wallowing in self pity I hear the door to the Infirmary bang open. In walks Lomen. And he looks pissed. He doesn't speak just grabs me and drags me outside. Once there he finally talks. " I ought to kill you right now. But I won't because my bestfriend and partner would be even more devastated. But you are going to fix this. She has been doing nothing but crying at Kid's house all week. She won't even eat all because you decided to be an ass. And for what cause we saved yours. Let your pride go for once be a man and think about her." I look at him astonished he talked to me that way. But I know I deserve it and much more. "She wouldn't want me back." He looks at me as if I had three arms. "Are you kidding me? That girl has always loved you and never stopped. She is over here killing herself because your not there to make it better. Look. I don't have time for this. Go fix it or I will kick your ass." I sigh and nod. Now I have to figure out how to heal my Goddess' broken heart.

Time SKip to that evening at Kid's house..........

(Y/N) P.O.V.

           I lay in bed all cried out. I have been crying for a week straight and I wondered when I would run out of tears. I can't believe the love of my life would do this to me. All I did was try to help him. And of course do what anyone would do if the one they loved almost died. I freaked out. And all he did was tell me how he didn't need me and that killed me. I thought I ment the world to him like he did me.

    Just then I hear the door open for the thousandth time. "I told you I don't want to eat or get up or do anything." I didn't care who it was. Everyone has been here trying to get me to do something or another. I didn't want to do anything but wallow in self pity.

    "Well that's too bad because you are going to take a shower then eat something." My head jerks up to see the person who caused all this. Blackstar. I feel the tears coming on. Guess I didn't run out after all. He sees me and I see a look of sorrow and remorse flash across his face.

     Seems he won't listen as he picks me up taking me to the ensuite bathroom. Once in there neither of us speak. Me because it hurts him because he has busied himself with turning on the water. I am on the counter where he had left me my eyes on the ground. When he gets the temperature right he comes back over helping me out of my clothes and stepping out of his as well. He brings us both to the shower. I stand there staring up at him. My heart is heavy as he begins to wash my body and hair like he always does. After washing us both he gets out getting me a towel wrapping me up. He has one around his waist as he carries me back out to the bed.

    When he sits us down me on his lap I notice someone changed the sheets. It becomes irrelevant as he talks to me. "I fucked up big time babygirl. I need you like I need air. I was just so angry that I put Tsbuski in danger and then you. I didn't care about myself. But if I lost either of you I could never forgive  myself. I need my bestfriend/weapon partner. But I need my fiancée more. I look at him as he holds the ring I gave back to him that day. I shake my head at him and his pride. "Blackstar...." "I promise to be better. I won't let my pride get in the way again. I need you to be mine again (Y/-" I cut him off with a soft peck.

   I take the ring and slide it on my finger. Looking at it I start to talk. "What you did was horrible. You were so mean and for what your pride? I have had the worst week of my life thanks to your pride. And in order for this to work you have a lot of making up to do. I hope your ready to be my slave for the next week." His smile grows and he leans down kissing me gently. "I'd do anything to make you happy, babygirl." I smirk looking at the clean bed. "Then make me happy right now." He got the message and made me very happy all night. Later let's just say we had to buy Kid a new mattress.

Guess I am in a writing mood today. Here is another Woohoo. Until next time my lovely readers Byeeee.........

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