Chapter 13

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^Lloyd's POV^

It's morning meaning its time to upack and whatever.

I looked around, Aria was already gone. I wonder where she went. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs.

Aria was sitting at the table

"Hey" i said and sat next to her

"Oh hey" she replied

Then i realized

"Aria why are you still in your pajamas?" I asked

"Too lazy to got dressed" she shrugged

"Well anyway where are the guys?" I asked

"Working" she said

I looked into another room and they were all on their computers typing away.

"Hey guys why dont we-"

Kai cut me off "not now Lloyd were working"

"Working on what?" i asked

"A magazine article, it's our job while were here" Cole answered

"Now why don't you and Aria go  explore the place" Wu said sipping some tea and looking over as the guys work

Aria came over to me "come on Lloyd" she said and we went outside

"This sucks, we all of a sudden move here and now their all working" i complained

"Well their's nothing we can do about it" Aria

Aria stopped and held me back

"What?" I asked

"Look" she pointed to the ground infront of us, there was a old well, it was very deep, i couldn't see the bottom.

"Wow, thanks Aria" i said

"Yeah" she said


"AH" Aria jumped, we looked and their was a creepy black cat

"Oh it's just a cat, ugh go away you stu- what?" She picked up a doll that looked just like her she turned it around and looked at the back, it was me on that side.

"Woe that's creepy" i said

On one side is Aria, on the back is me how odd. With one look at the cat we went back to the house.

Does the story sound familiar, you might have seen this movie before, or you may have not.

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