Chapter 7

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^Lloyd's POV^

"What's the mission again?" Aria asked me as we sat in the back of the carriage

"Their's someone planning to attack a ball and we need to stop them" I explained for about the 10th time, but im not complaining

"Are you happy with your dress?" I asked

"Yes i am, thanks for getting it for me" Aria said

"No problem, i didn't think you would want to wear that pink one Sensei got you" I said with a chuckle

"No problem, i didn't think you would want to wear that pink one Sensei got you" I said with a chuckle

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(Just in case you forgot what Aria was wearing, also remember she and Lloyd are twins)

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(Just in case you forgot what Aria was wearing, also remember she and Lloyd are twins)

"But i feel bad, it must've cost a lot" Aria said

"It's fine, their's no problem really" I reassured

"I wonder who's ball we're going to" Aria said and looked out the window

"Yeah" i said

"Lloyd look" Aria shouted, i looked out the window ahead of the carriage, their was a portal ahead

"Oh no, i have an idea of who's it is now" i said

Great, just great, we're going to the mistress of evil's party she annoys me about being a better prince. I hate to have to bring Aria into this.

We arrived at the ball and was let in immediately after we said our names. After we walked in the Mistress of Evil saw us and came over.

"Hello darlings" she said

"Hello" we answered together

"Oh Aria darling your wearing a gown it's simply beautiful" she commented to Aria

"Your upset because it isn't pink arent you?" Aria asked

"I would have preferred pink but black looks simply devine on you to be honest, i actually haven't seen you in a gown for years dear" She explained "and that locket, was it you mothers?"

"It was grandmother" Aria answered

......wait what, s-she's WHAT

I looked at them "Hold on, hold on, the Mistress is-"

The Mistress cut me off "Im her grandmother on her father's side"

"Sadly" Aria mummbled

"Posture young lady, stand up strait" The mistress lectured Aria

"Yeah yeah" Aria rolled her eyes

"You two will be called in soon" The Mistress said and left

"As in we have to walk down the stairs as they announce us" Aira explained

"Yep" i answered

"Prince Lloyd and Princess Aria" the announcer said and we walked down the stairs

So Aria's a princess? But princess of what? Evil?

As we walked down i heard some people whispering

"Oh princess Aria, she looks so lovely" "It's been so long since I've seen her highness Princess Aria" "i heard her father died" "the poor thing she has no parents" "last time she was here she destroyed the whole place" "I'm surprised she's here without her guards Hanabusa and Akatsuki"

The Mistress of Evil went up to say her speech

"Hello everyone, it is an honor to say welcome to this eventful ball. Today i have ny granddaughter Aria here as well." Everyone clapped. "I know it's been hard for her for the past couple of years, but it is an honor to have her here, now Aria dear could you please cone over and sing for us"

"Oh grandmother, i don't think so" Aria said nervous

Everyone started saying please begging for her to sing, including me. What i want to hear her sing.

"Oh alright" Aria gave in and everyone started clapping and cheering.

Aria went up.

"What song?" she asked

"Through the ages" Someone shouted and everyone out cheered for it

"Alright" she said and got out her gitar

She started playing
" Nothing stays the same for long
But when it changes doesn't mean it's gone
Time will always get away
As it leaves behind another day

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages.

Been around for a long time
Rocking out hard cause I'm in my prime
Maybe it'll change further down the line
But my friendship carries on through the ages.

Every single style has somethin'
Different it can say
There's nothin' wrong with being unique
And special in your own way

Maybe you wanna be a popstar
Get your fifteen minutes of fame
That won't last forever
But friendship remains the same
Ah o-oh

Things may come and things may go
Some goes fast and some goes slow
Few things last that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages
Things may come and things may go, Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

Carries on"

Everyone clapped, Aria bowed and went back to me

"Enjoy the ball" The Mistress said and went off, music started playing.

After a while a slow song came on. So ok I'm going to do this.

"Um A-Aria?" I asked

She looked at me "Yeah?"

"D-do you want to d-dance?" I asked

"Sure, i would love to" she responded getting up

Oh yes! I thought she would say no, oh thank goodness.
Me and Aria went out on the dance floor and started slow dancing. The different color lights made us look different, and to be completely honest.....she looked absolutely beautiful.

she looked absolutely beautiful

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