Chapter Nine-Part Five

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   The Prime Minister exhaled loudly, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his right hand.

   "All these years, you've been gaining a lot from Sun Yang. Now that your son's in grave danger, you switched your goals. You sought money to save your son. You may not like it, but you have no choice. You've lost your wife during delivery, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to lose your only flesh and blood. You will do anything to save him." The Major took a photo frame of the Prime Minister's family on the table, glanced at it for a moment, and then placed it closer to the man to make sure that he saw it clearly. "Think about your family, sir. This madness, this evil, will not benefit your son."

   By this time, the Prime Minister began to tear up. He took the photo of his wife and stared at it for so long as teardrops fell onto the transparent glass. Si Jin and Mo Yeon could only watch pitifully in silence as sorrow enveloped the man completely and it's aura spread all over the room. Somehow, that scene reminded Mo Yeon of the time she received Si Jin's letter at the time of his 'death', and she understood how he felt. The emotions were relatable in some ways that she felt guilty for bringing up his son into this scenario. Mo Yeon felt as if she had done a big sin.

   "I don't want to do all this." Mr Silvanos choked. "I want the best for my son. That's all I ever wanted for him–for him to be a good man, not a man like me." He glanced at the two of them, eyes red and wet with tears. "You won't know how it feels like–to have a father doing all these evil just for the sake of his child. You won't understand that feeling at all." He put down the photograph finally, wiping his eyes away from all those years welling up. "What do you want?" He gave in finally.

   Si Jin and Mo Yeon glanced at each other, sensing that they were now heading the right direction. "It's pretty simple, sir. Just do what I told you, and I can guarantee...." There was a short pause from. Mo Yeon, causing Si Jin to look at her with curious eyes. Something told him that whatever she was about to say right now would be something disagreeable. "...your son will be alright."

   "How will you guarantee that?" The Prime Minister asked with a serious tone. He found it impossible for a woman like her to guarantee his son's safety when she's already trying to leave this country. Just what way could she think of save her skin?

   "I'll save your son." Mo Yeon replied with determination, earning a stunned stare from the two men. "I'll save him, and bring him back to you, sir."

   "Yah, you can't be serious!" Si Jin raised his voice in Hangul, his mind refusing to believe what foolish decision she had just made. That was not part of their plan after all.

   "Allow us to bring him back to Korea, sir. I'll make sure that our team will try our very best to find the cure–not only for your son, but for the people suffering from the outbreak. I guarantee you with my life." She ignored Si Jin completely. "In return, you clear my name and my reputation."

   "Yah, Kang Mo Yeon!"

   "I know what I'm doing, Si Jin! Just help me with this, or we're not going home!" Mo Yeon interrupted Si Jin in Hangul. "Jaebal. Just side with me once. All I need is your support."

   "Mo Yeon–"

   "And what if you fail?" The Prime Minister chipped in before Si Jin could say another word.

   "Then you can kill me." Mo Yeon replied back.


Uruk International Airport
Two hours later
   "The plane's ready for takeoff. We're moving out as scheduled." One of the plane's crewmen spoke to Myeong Joo.

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