"I'm you're boyfriend aren't I?"


"So I want to know more about you~" He giggles, "How were you when you were younger? Was it different?"

I groan. I might as well answer his questions or we'd just be sitting in weird silence. "In the beginning it was. Mom and dad expected everything from me, and at first I complied. I wore their frilly dresses and sang for them and went to the parties, even though I didn't like the dresses and big parties."

"You did it to make them happy." Huni says, and I nod.

"When I asked them if I could wear something different, or just not attend the party in general they became angry, saying how Kotetsu would've done it and blah blah blah. So I started to rebel. It's gotten to the point where they're wishing Kotetsu would've been born first. They've already decided to make him heir to the company, I think they're only keeping me for my singing talent." I scoff, shaking my head.

"Doesn't that make you upset?" 

"Nope, why would it? I'm surprised they haven't called me an abortion-should've-been yet." I laugh, eating the last strawberry and finishing my cake. "Then again, that's not really possible, since Kotetsu would've been too, and they adore him." I stand up, stretching. "Ready to head to my place to record?"

"Ryu-Chan~" Huni giggles, standing up and coming over to me. He wipes his thumb across my bottom lip. "You had frosting on your face." He giggles, licking the icing off his finger and then grabbing Usa-Chan and skipping out. 

Blushing, I walk after him, wiping my face off myself. "You could've just told me, baka."

"Hey, baka is better than bastard~" Huni smiles back at me and slows down to walk next to me. "I'm shocked you ate two whole cakes in less than twenty minutes. I thought only I could do that~"

"I was taking my time to be polite, since we're in public. And, sweets are life."

"Where do you put it all?"

"What, the cake?" I laugh, squishing my boobs together. "This is the only place I can think of, because every other part is skinny like a stick." I laugh more as Huni blushes. "I could ask the same for you, where does all of your cake go?" I ask, poking his arm.

"High metabolism~" Huni smiles, grabbing my hand before I pull it away. I go to jerk it away but he keeps a firm grip on it. We walk back to my mansion and I pull out my phone.

"Tetsu-Kun is supposed to record with me, but we was going with the twins today."

"Then he's probably at Haru-Chan with everyone else!" Huni explains, and I nod, sighing. Pushing the big oak doors open, we walk in and head up the marble staircase, heading to the music studio. Just as I go to walk in, my father walks by.

"Ah Ryuko. The file is already on the desk in the studio, I want them all recorded by 9 o'clock sharp. Oh, who is this?" He asks, seeing Huni.

"Mitsukuni Haninozuka sir, i'm your daughter's-"

"Friend! He's a friend." I interrupt as the two shake hands.

"A Haninozuka, it's nice to meet you. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting downtown. Remember, by 9 o'clock."

"Eh, but dad that only gives me 8 hours-"

"9 Ryuko."

"Yea yea, go to your meeting." I mutter, pushing the door open and going in.

"You're father seems.. nice?" Huni says quietly, going over and sitting on a stool.

"Mhm, sure. Nice." Opening the file, I see the long list of songs. And all of them were romance songs. Blech. Who listens to this stuff? After a long groan I begin to set things up for the first song.

Singers Like Sweets {OHSHC}Where stories live. Discover now