A Witch's Promise - 9

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Brandon couldn't settle. The witch had told him all would work out but it had been 48 hours and there had been no sign of Sian turning up on his doorstep. He leant back on the couch and closed his eyes imagining how he would take her back.

A light knocking at the door brought Brandon from the kitchen. It was Sian. She stood on his threshold, eyes red and puffy, hair all askew and damp, her summer dress, the one he had bought her, clinging to her body.

She couldn't quite bring herself to meet his gaze and whispered, "Brandon, I'm so sorry for what I've put you through." She picked at her fingernails and shuffled her feet. "I've been such a fool. Do you think you could ever forgive me?" He watched as she risked a glance at his face.

Smiling he opened his arms to her, "Welcome home my love." Sian fell into his arms, fresh tears streaming down her face soaking his shoulder as he gently pulled her into his home and closed the door.

Cursing Brandon leapt from the couch, enough was enough he would wait no more. Putting on his coat he decided he would head to Sian's house, confront the fool who thought he was marrying her and lay his cards on the table. Sian was his, the witch had said as much. So what if he had to force the situation he had been waiting long enough.

Once outside her property Brandon's bravery deserted him. What if Sian wasn't home and the police were called. As far as he knew the restraining order was still in place and without Sian to proclaim her undying love, he could easily end up in a holding cell. Why was his life so complicated?

A car was in the drive so someone was in he just had to wait and watch, something that he was very good at. He sat on the wall opposite the house staring at the front door willing it to open and his love to appear. Just being this close to her had calmed his soul and he knew the witch had been correct, patience was the key.

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