A Witch's Promise - 8

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Margaret entered the back room shaking her head, how on earth Brandon could be fixated with such a woman was beyond her, so ungrateful and horribly rude to her mother. If she had known this in advance she could have altered the potion to change the personality but it was too late now, he would get Sian worts and all.

Pausing to gaze upon the body of the old lady who owned the shop, Margaret sent up a silent prayer of thanks. The death was accidental but not only did it did make the transformation of the shop go smoothly, the old woman's soul had given her an unexpected boost to her powers. She felt younger than she had in years.

Humming softly she opened a small bag and carefully emptied a large blood red strawberry into a long stemmed glass, the bottle of champagne was opened next and poured over the top. To keep up appearances she poured the liquid into another two glasses already containing smaller strawberries and picked up the tray, plastered a fake smile onto her face, took a breath and returned to the main shop.

"Hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd join you on this happy occasion."

Still smiling she walked towards Sian and her mother, "oh bubbles, how lovely." Sian's mother stretched forward to grab the glass with the larger strawberry forcing Margaret to move the tray just out of reach. "Bride to be first, mum." She forced out a gentle laugh, "Sian."

Sian delicately took the glass at the front of the tray. "Thanks." She muttered before sitting back clutching the glass between fingers that had lost all colour.

Margaret allowed Sian's mum to take a glass then took the remaining one herself and raised it to her lips. "To Sian and ... I'm sorry whose the lucky man?"

"It's Richard. To Sian and Richard, may all your days be joyous!" Sian's mother raised her glass and took a large swig, draining it in one go.

"May your days together be joyous." Margaret in turn raised her glass and watched as Sian brought hers to her lips and took a dainty sip. "You must drink up Sian, I've found a couple of other dresses that I'm sure will be more to your liking." Smiling Margaret watched as Sian took a larger gulp, the strawberry just glancing off her top lip.

"Oh Sian, you really must eat the strawberry," Sian's mother said as she wiped the juice and champagne from her lips, "it's to die for."

Sian rolled her eyes and picked the strawberry out of the glass, "Then we must go, I really don't think I'll find anything here." Sian looked up at Margaret, "No offence it's just nothing has caught my eye." Margaret watched as Sian allowed a small half hearted smile to cross her mouth.

"None taken. It's a big decision choosing ones dress," Margaret swallowed the remaining liquid in her glass, "you can always come back later." She watched as Sian bit into the strawberry, thanking the small gods for over enthusiastic mothers.

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