A Witch's Promise - 4

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As the room began to move and sway around him, Brandon closed his eyes and gripped the table with both hands. If he couldn't see the kitchen move then he could convince himself everything was normal. The old woman's voice washed over him, "Don't fight it Brandon. Relax." He felt her hands rest on his and opened his eyes. Gulping back a scream he wasn't sure what he sat facing. The harmless looking woman was gone, what sat before him was a creature of unknown origins. Skin pulled tight over bone showing every detail, the few teeth that were evident were yellow and cracked. He forced himself to look down to his hands where he could feel the soft touch of old skin yet his eyes told him something different. He watched in horror as fingers, long and almost skinless sank through the back of his hand.

He could hold his scream back no longer and it exploded out of his body echoing round the room and his head. Blood had started to flow from the wounds in his hands as the witch forced herself further into him. No matter how hard he pulled he couldn't dislodge his hands. Eventually there was no distinguishing where he stopped and she started. Still screaming Brandon finally lapsed into unconsciousness his mind no longer able to cope with the images he was seeing.

Brandon was aware of a cold sensation on his temple and a pounding in his head. He forced his eyes open afraid of what he might see, the memory of what he had witnessed still fresh in his mind. He was surprised to see that around him was the light airy kitchen, no evidence of the darkness or the creature that had been his last memory. There was just a plain looking old woman who was carefully wiping his brow with a wet cloth. "What happened?"

"Don't worry pet, you had a wee turn for the worst." She smiled, "I don't think my tea agreed with you."

"But, but I saw.." "Forget what you saw, that's not important now. I understand why you came and I can help," She moved to the sink and rinsed out the cloth, "if you still want me to of course."

He studied the old woman's back, trying to catch a glimpse of what he had seen. Yet nothing was out of the ordinary. Maybe he had imagined the whole thing? Studying his hand he saw no holes or scars, nothing to indicate that he had been merged with the creature still at the forefront of his mind. Taking a breath he ran his fingers through his hair, finally convinced he had hallucinated the whole incident he asked, "Name your price."

The old woman laughed, "You need only give me something you will not miss, say 12months from now."

Brandon agreed. "When will Sian love me again?"

"Patience Brandon, patience. The wheels have been set in motion."

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