A Witch's Promise - 1

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There were many stories told about the local witch and many names given. Depending on who was telling the tale she was either as old as time or as young as the first blush of spring. Yet all agreed she always spoke the truth, could heal any ailment and if you didn't pay her price your life wouldn't be worth living.

Brandon had tried every trick, every scheme but to no avail. Sian didn't love him any more and worse she was engaged to another, up to her eyes planning the perfect wedding she no longer accepted his calls. There was no other choice left to him, only the witch could grant him what he wanted. Now if only he could summon enough courage to actually walk up the path to her front door.

Her cottage stood at the edge of the forest, an oasis of beauty against the darkness of the trees. No matter the time of year, flowers ablaze with colour filled the garden, essential herbs for potions that she would concoct. Brandon stood to the side of the gate, the sun warming his back as he contemplated his next step. Once he started down the path towards her front door there would be no turning back, was he really ready for what was to come.

Taking the picture of Sian out of his wallet he gazed upon her smiling, loved filled face. He needed her to look at him that way again, the witch was his only choice.

He stepped onto the stone path.


Ok trying something new here, a short serialisation. Please feel free to comment if you wish me to continue, and as I do if you have any suggestions I'd like to hear them. Thanks :)

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