A Witch's Promise - 5

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Margaret closed the door behind Brandon and moved back into the kitchen, the sooner the sun set and she could relax the better. The meeting had taken a lot out of her, his mind was stronger than she expected and extra hallucinations had to be projected into his thoughts. It was the first time in many years that Margaret had experienced such a mind, it was going to be fun watching it break.

His mind and soul had been laid bare to her probings, he was obsessed with Sian, wanted to own her completely, have her belong to him and only him. It's wasn't a true love, the kind when souls meet and join for eternity but a destructive one. If it wasn't for the promise of his gift she may have let the girl live out her life in peace, but then survival was the name of the game these days. Times were changing and Margaret didn't know when the next opportunity would arise to obtain what she needed.

She sensed the sun setting and breathed a sign of relief, it was about time she could throw off this old woman body and relax in her own skin. She grabbed a small paring knife, her spice bag and moved to her bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror she removed her clothes and hair. God how she hated this saggy body but then if Brandon had seen her in all her glory she would have become his obsession and her gift would have remained unclaimed.

She sliced a neat circle above her left breast, one at the top of her left thigh and used the knife to make a cut joining both symbols together. Once the blood started to flow she took some of the spice and rubbed it into the wounds, mixing the blood and spice together before covering her face and hands with the gooey mixture.

Once the pain started she moved to her bedroom and lay on the soft quilt. By morning her true form would be returned to her and she could start work on the potion that would allow Sian to fall in love with Brandon once more.


Sorry this is a short bit but didn't want to reveal too much at this stage, thanks for keeping reading xx

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