Sickness Alarm

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G-Dragon, Imagine #69

A/N: Imagine that GD is on his solo tour for this one and that you're friends with other k-idols from YG Entertainment that are colleagues with him

At first it was nothing more than a few headaches that soon became constant ones.

Then, your tummy would hurt, day by day the pain enhancing until it reached the point where you barely moved.

You felt cold and were always wrapped in a blanket. Once or twice you had fever so you assumed it was just a cold.

But then came the vomits. You wouldn't stop.

You were in pain while Jiyong was touring the world on his solo career. Every time he'd call or FaceTime you, you'd try your best to look cool and okay for him.

"(Y/N), are you sure everything's alright?"

"Yes, Ji, why would you think there's something wrong?" You faked a soft smile while inside you were hurting physically.

"You don't look okay. Your eyes have bags under them and you're pale."

"I am not! It's just the lighting. And as for the bags, yesterday I stayed up late watching movies." You lied.

Of course you weren't pale because of the lighting, the lighting was just fine. You had gone pale because you weren't in your blanket so you were cold.

You just didn't want Jiyong to see you via the videocall with it.

You hated lying to him but you also didn't want him to know that you were sick because it would upset him and you knew he shouldn't be worrying about you when he was so far away from home.

He had enough things and work going on. Plus, he wouldn't be able to help you anyhow, anyways.

Soon enough, you ended up thinking of going to see a doctor. But there was one problem; you couldn't get there on your own and didn't know who to call.

Lucky for you, Jiyong didn't believe what you told him in your last FaceTime. He called CL, who was a good friend of his, and asked her to check on you.

You liked and admired Chaerin a lot and you two had been getting along from the start. You were glad to see her on your doorstep.

"(Y/N), you look horrible! Jiyong told me you might not be well and asked me to come and see you but I didn't knew you'd look like a zombie!" Was how she greeted you.

You chuckled but then the laughter turned to pain as you gasped and ached while holding your sides.

"No, Ji, she's fine, really. Yeap, I was just right with her. No problem! See ya!" She lied to him on the phone, just as you instructed her to do.

"Are you sure about this, (y/n)? Jiyong won't like it if he finds out."

"Then he won't find out. Simple!"You were determined.

But you were setting worse.

Chaerin tried to help you eat but you would always throw up. She tried to get you to sleep but the pain wouldn't go away. She gave you painkillers but they wouldn't work or if they did they wouldn't last long.

"That's it, tomorrow morning I'm taking you to the doctor!" She gave up.

And that next day, as you were dressing up, you just fainted. Chaerin screamed at your collapsed on the ground body and called for an ambulance.

You were imported in the hospital and receiving treatment in no time. In a couple of days, your skin color appeared again and replaced the dead one you used to have and you managed to eat for the first time in more than a week.

You were slowly making progress but you still were in a lot of pain. You also were too busy to notice that your boyfriend wouldn't call or text at all.

And that was because he was back in Korea, postponing his last concerts and taking a break from his tour.

You gasped when he stormed into your hospital room, looking more panicked and anxious and worried as ever.

"J-Jiyong?" Your eyes widened. "W-What are you d-doing here? I thought y-you were on tour!"

You were on the verge of crying when you saw him. You missed him so much, you've been wanting him by your side everyday when you were sick. And you also felt guilty for lying to him.

He rushed by your side immediately, went  to hug you but stopped confused of the tubes connecting you with machines.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, eyes watery.

He knew the answer.

"Y-You were busy and I didn't want to upset you with t-this."

And then he hugged you and you held his head close to your chest as you cried in stop.

"I love you, Ji. I was so so scared!"

"I love you too, (y/n) and I was scared as well! I don't know what I'd do without you...."

Okay this was...something? I guess

It's bad but it's 3:10 am here and I'm sleepy but I rrl wanted to update tho!!!

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