Valentine's Day Surprise

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Imagine #16


You entered your house at noon, when you had returned from work. Jiyong wasn't there, he would be done from the studio very late.

You went into your bedroom to change into your pajamas and you came face to face with a red, cute, skater dress lying on the bed.

You rushed to it and saw a little note on it. "Wear this tonight :) , I'll pick you up at 9:00 p.m. Love, Jiyong" it read.

That night, Jiyong took you to one of Seoul's most popular and expensive restaurants and after dinner, you headed home to have some special fun in bed.

That night, Jiyong took you to one of Seoul's most popular and expensive restaurants and after dinner, you headed home to have some special fun in bed

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You unlocked the front door of the big apartment you and your boyfriend, Youngbae, had bought to live together.

When you entered th house and looked up, your mouth dropped open from the surprise.

All the house was filled with red flowers and many red, heart-shaped balloons were touching the ceiling.

The door behind you opened once again and Youngbae wrapped his arms around you.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He smiled and you turned and kissed him and thanked him.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He smiled and you turned and kissed him and thanked him

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Seunghyun had left the house early to go to work but since you had the day off, you slept till it was past 12.00 a.m. When you got up ,you decided to go to the YG Entertainment studios to find your boyfriend. You took a shower, dressed up and got ready.

You headed to the living room, looking for your keys, when you say a white box on the coffee table and a pink bouquet of flowers on it.

You placed the flowers on a vase with water and opened the Dior box to find a brand new bottle of women's cologne.

Your phone rang with a message. "I thought red roses would be clissé." Seunghyun had texted.

"Happy Valentine's Day,my jagiya!" You heard his voice behind you.

"You're home!" You kissed him.

"You're home!" You kissed him

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It was early morning and you were at work when you heard someone singing from outside the room you were in, with your other colleagues.

You recognised the song, it was Seungri's part in 'Let's not fall in love' and the voice was definitely his but...what was he doing there?

The doors were pushed wide open and your boyfriend entered the room, holding a heart-shaped, red box with chocolates and two other guys were following him, carrying one huge buchet of roses each.

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, (Y/N), MY LOVE!!!" Seungri grabbed your face and kissed your lips while your colleagues were clapping their hands and cheering too.

It felt like a fairytale.


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You were having a lazy day at home but without Daesung, unfortunately, who was on tour.

You were pretty sad about your boyfriend's absence so you didn't even bother to tap the 'like' button on your friends posts on Instagram with their boyfriends/girlfriends.

"Valentine's day is awful." You murmured as you got dressed with sweatpants and a pullover.

The bell rung and you opened to come face to face with the mail man.

"What's that?" You asked in shock, when he handed you a HUGE teddy bear.

He said something in Korean and then left.

The teddy bear had a beautiful pink card from Daesung. "I've got another surprise for you! Happy Valentine's day, my princess!" He wrote.

You hurried to post your present on Instagram and all your friends were jealous.

Later that day, you got your second surprise and it was nothing else than your boyfriend, arriving home with two days vacation!

Later that day, you got your second surprise and it was nothing else than your boyfriend, arriving home with two days vacation!

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Happy Valentine's Day for you all, the lovebirds!

And if you don't have a valentine, Bigbang members are your valentine with this new imagine!

Personally, I like the atmosphere this day makes but I don't really enjoy it, because I believe that if you love someone, you should show it everyday and not just this one day, once a year.

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