Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

the door to find ourselves in a cafeteria filled with students wearing uniforms. Luckily someone with a dessert cart came by and hid us as we hitched a ride away.

"Look Chesa," Jared pointed his finger to a sign, "It's a laundry room and the door is open. Maybe we can steal some uniforms?"

"On the could of three jump," I waited, "Three," I jumped, but Jared was a tad late.

When we were safe inside we slowly closed the door and he asked, "What the hell happened to one and two?"

"Sorry I didn't have time," I explained as I looked through the dryer.

"Sorry my ass. I could've gotten caught!"

"Oh hush up! Someone's gonna hear." I grabbed two white uniforms. I threw it to him, "Put it on. And don't you dare peek when I change!"

"Roger that!" Jared turned around and so did I. Suddenly when I was in my camisole and panties someone hugged me. I pushed Jared off of me.

"You pervert! I told you not to look," I whisper-screamed. He was shirtless and his 6-pack was hard to ignore. Stop thinking about that! Concentrate on what your doing now! You don't wanna get caught.

"Well I'm a guy after all. You can't always trust me. One minute a gentleman can become an animal" He gave my a hot and cool look. He leaned closer. I shoved him.

"First of your nowhere near a gentleman. Second off stop messing around and get changed," I commanded. With a sigh he obeyed.

Minutes later we finished. I found a small backpack and shoved our clothes into it. Surprisingly the uniform looked pretty hot on both of us. The white pleated skirt was white with a black on the very bottom. They had on a white shirt and a white jacket that outlined the pockets and collar in black. The skirt wasn't too short and the jacket and shirt hugged on her tightly, but not too much that it'd make her look like a slut. I tied up my hair and put on some make-up I found lying on top of the washing machine. I gave myself a smokey eye looking so no one would fully recognize me. Jared on the other hand looked rather handsome. He had white slacks, a white shirt, a white jacket with the pockets and collar outlined in black, and a black tie. He gave it a hot, laid-back look by not buttoning all the buttons on his shirt.

He looked at me. Up and then down. "Wow Chesa. It looks perfectly hot on you,"

"Can you please come up with a different compliment?" I put my hand on my forehead.

"You look very beautiful in it," I looked up and his face was uncomfortably closer to mine than I expected, causing me to blush, my face becoming more of a dark scarlet then it's tan self. He gently backed me up into the wall and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was going in for a kiss on the lips, I turned my head. He understood that it was uneasy for me so slowly pulled me into a dip like when you're dancing and gently kissed my forehead. Then he pulled me back up and our eyes connected.

"Are you trying to steal Edward Cullen's moves?" I joked.

He chuckled and said, "Only if they'll make you mine," I slowly pulled away.

"I'm sorry, but we need to continue before someone comes in here," I explained, but he just slowly nodded his head. We both casually walked out the door into the cafeteria. Everyone either had a white or black uniform. I wonder what that's about? Nobody seemed to fully notice us which was relief for me.

"You're so cool Chris!" A girly voice praised from afar. I looked at a table which had girls scattered and crowding around it like a bunch of lions waiting for the kill. Chris? He did say he goes here, but he isn't the type of guy to let people hang all over him like a bunch of idiotic crazy obsessive girls. Without knowing I started strutting over there.

"Chesa what are you doing?" Jared hissed. Some of the girls managed to let me through. All of my fears came rushing in. It was Chris Knight! Suddenly he looked up from the girls he was talking to, more like pampering and paying with. One arm was wrapped around a girl with about size double-D cup's waist. An arm around a to much make-up wearing petite girl's shoulder. Chris was in black and many of the girls were in black, but a few in the back were wearing white.

He gave me an confused look and asked, "Have I seen you before?"

"Gee, I don't know. I may be a complete stranger. I mean you can't know every girl at this school can you?" Jared heard the anger in my tone.

Chris leaned forward, put his elbow on the table, and put his chin on his fist. "Well I like to know many of the girls in someway," he winked. All the girls yelled and screamed in joy, practically fainting.

"Well sorry, but I don't think I've seen or heard of you," I protested. Everything went quiet.

"I really don't think that's possibly," he stammered, "Who are you anyway,"

"Hmm.. I don't know maybe I'm a nobody. Maybe I'm a stalker. Or maybe I'm a "fan" of yours," I snapped. He looked at me still confused. "I'm glad I don't know who the hell you are. Because those who actually believe that you're a good person, I feel sorry for them,"

"Might I ask just how you would know how to feel towards me?"

"Trust me. Just by looking at people I'm pretty good at guessing what they're like. And I'm pretty sure you've messed with a ton of innocent people. I'm just glad that I didn't get to know you better," I abruptly turned. As I passed by people I heard small comments like, "Who's that girl?" "Where's she from?" "Haven't seen her around."

"Chesa wait!" Jared screamed. To loudly for that matter.

"Chesa?" Chris said aloud. Without turning back I grabbed Jared's wrist and quietly hissed at him.

"See what you did?" I snapped. We tried to act normal by walking at an okay pace hoping to escape somehow.

"Someone stole my uniform!" A girl shrieked.

"Mine too!" A low voice announced. Crap! We're busted. We didn't make it to the end of the cafeteria, but I ran with Jared following close behind. We frantically ran through a hallway. Once we reached the end of the hallway we were blocked off by a group of guards. We were caught and there was nothing we could do about it!

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