Writers Block????

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Hello, everyone. It's been a while since I have updated my story, and you all are probably pissed, annoyed etc. that I haven't and I understand. So first of all I want to say sorry for not updating and sorry this is not an update either. 

Im just going to say what this Author Note is for as you saw in the title. I feel like I need to go onto a writers block. 

Why because: I basically don't know what to write about. Everytime I am writing a chapter I don't have a clue f what to do.What to write about etc. So I really feel the need to go on a writers block. And when I do ' come out of the writers block ', I will hopefully have many chapters for you to read.

But I want to see what you lot think. Comment down below telling me whether I should or shouldn't as I am completely confused.....

Thank you soooo much for reading my story and commenting and voting. It means the world to me that people actually like reading my story. I love you guys. 

Until next time...


My Hero || Jack Johnson (Discontinued- Rewriting)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ