Keep Strong Stay Strong!

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Just before you all read this chpater, I just want to say that I am not a christian but Becca and Allison are aswell as a few more character in the story. Also, just wanted to say that I don't know how a church works so I am sorry if I get something wrong and the things that have been written aren't true. 

Thank you!! Enjoy the chapter!

Allison's P.O.V.

At this moment in time, Mahogany and I are sitting in my car just waiting for myself to grow a pair and go inside the church where Becca's funeral is taking place. I can't belive I am here. Losing Becca was like someone taking my heart out and stomping on it several times. However I am very lucky to have Mahogany here with me. Although I haven't known her for a long time. When she stayed over at mine, I got to know her a lot better. I've realised we have a lot in common. She knows not to mention names that I don't want to hear. If you know what I mean. 

Anyway, I have to go in noww otherwise we will be late. I have to be strong. Becca will be whopping my ass if she saw me like this. I can tell you that for sure. 

'' You ready?'' Mahogany asked.

'' Yeah, let's go.'' I whispered. Knowing tears will be arriving very soon. Luckily, I wore waterproof makeup knowing I will break down quite a bit. I got out of my car with Mahogany following my lead. I saw Becca's older brother ( pic above ) and was I shocked. He moved to London without anyone knowing. We had found out by a friend of his telling us. He never contacted or tried to meet with Becca. But that is not my problem. I saw a few people from Becca's work place and some old friends. The rest were Becca's family.

'' Wanna head inside?'' Mahogany asked.

'' Sure.'' I replied. We both walked inside and saw a few more people seated quietly taking. Me and Mahogany decided to sit at the front so we sat on the right hand side and just stared at the coffin in front of us. Mahogany squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. After a few minutes, the whole church were full of people, many of them wearing black. Just before the priest came up for his speechs ect. Becca's brother Ryan came through the door and sat next to be. I didn't look towards him. I couldn't. He looks like Becca and I can't handle the fact that she is in the coffin just infront of me. 

'' Hey Allison.'' Ryan whispered. I knew it would be rude if I didn't reply so I looked up but didn't meet his eyes.

'' Hi.'' I replied, quietly.

'' How have you been?'' He asked quietly.

'' Terrible.'' Just as I said that, the priest came onto the stage thing and started talking. He called Becca's relatives how wanted to talk about her. Just before I went Ryan was called up.

'' Rebecca was definitely one of a kind. She was the sassy, obnoxious and strong one. She stood up for what she believed in and never let anyone bring her guard down. I was an awful brother to her. I left without explanation. Never contacted her no matter how many times she tried to call or tried to text me. I never read heer messages nor aswer her calls. I thought being away from Rebecca will be the greatest idea. I abandon her and left all alone. She deserved something who will be there for her. Someone who will be there for when she needs a shoulder to cry on. And thank God, she got an amazing girl Allison. Allison is probably blaming me for everything that happened to Rebecca and she has every right to. I blame myself for what happened. She wouldn't be in that coffin if it wasn't for me. She should be at home with Allison stuffing her face with pizza and watching Chasing Cam. Man was she addicted to Cameron Dallas.'' He laughed at the last bit.

'' All I want to say is that, I am so so sorry Bumblebee ( Nickname for Becca). But I guess you are in a better place. Away from all bad people including me. I am so sorry.'' He cried. I wanted to go up there and hug him but I couldn't I was stuck in my seat. Hearing everything he said. Ryan went towards Becca'scoffin and placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered something I couldn't make out.

He came back down with a small frown on his face. I looked in his eyes and saw regret and pain. I gave him a small smile. The priest called my name up and I went to the stage without breaking down.

''Where do I start? Becca was definitely one of a kind. She never took no for an answer. Always had fun pranking me. Scaring the hell out of me. Always had to have pizza atleast once a week and that girl still never gained a pound. She is probably the laziest yet caring, funny, lovable person I have ever met. When I needed something, I knew I could go to her and tell her everything knowing she won't judge. Only a about two weeks ago, we were at an MAGCon. Whenever Cameron Dallas came on, she screamed her lungs out. She probably liked him more than me.'' I laughed at the last bit. 

''But that's okay, because she was happy. Becca and I would stay up all night just eating pizza and watching Criminal Minds. Man, did she love that show. Whenever we saw a cute guy on the TV, we would give him a rate out of 10. We were crazy. But that only made us come closer not only as friends but as sisters. About 2 months ago, she told me if I do die, remember I will be always be watching over you. At my funeral, I will be there watching over your shoulder. I miss you so much Becca. I love you so much and just know that I will never ever forget you. I love you!'' I cried. I walked towards Becca in her coffin with tears streaming down my face. She looked so beautiful. She was dressed in white. She looked like an angel.

'' Together Forever.'' I had a ring on and I took it off and placed it on Becca's finger. We both had it but she left hers at home so she can wear mine and I'll wear hers as a memory thing. I kissed her head. '' I love you!'' I turned around and looked at the back and saw someone I never wanted to see ever again. The person saw me looking at them and smirked.

'' Why the hell is he here?'' I thought angrily. He never cared about me or Becca. Why show up?

Anonymous P.O.V.

Boo hoo. Allison just gave a long ass speech about her ' best friend ' who is now in her coffin. R.I.P.

I think she noticed me at the back. Told you I will show up. I smirked at her as her eyes held fire. Oh well. She shouldn't have done what she did. Little does she know, my revenge has just began......


Dangggggg..... I wrote 1290 words for you all. I am sorry for not updating. I am going to hopefully post once a week. Also, we are at 2.9K which is awesome. Thank you all for reading my story. And if you think that all the drama is happening now, man are you wrong. A lot more drama will be coming... Stay tuned!!!


My Hero || Jack Johnson (Discontinued- Rewriting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon