Am I Dreaming?

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Author Note: I just wanted to say that there is going to be a few P.O.V changes in the story. They will be bold but still just make sure you know that there has been a P.O.V change.
Anyway, ENJOY!!

Jack G P.O.V.

The show had ended ages ago and the meet and greets were about to start. Johnson went to the restroom since the show ended and hasn't returned.
'' Yo, G where is Johnson?'' Cameron asked.
'' I don't know. he said he was gonna go to the restroom but I don't thing it takes 10 minutes.'' I replied with a bit of frustration in my voice.
'' Call him. Meet and greets are about to start.'' Cameron said. I nodded my head. Cameron then walked off and I grabbed my phone. I clicked on Johnson's name and he picked it up about 10 seconds later.

'' Johnson, where are you?'' I yelled.

'' I am coming. Just give me 2 minutes.'' He replied.

'' Okay. Just hurry up.'' I said before hanging up.

Bart came over to me and said that the meet and greets and about to start any second now and if Johnson doesn't come then I can either wait for him or do it without him. I told him that I'll wait for him. Never have I done a meet and greet without JJ. I mean we have been through everything together and we are going to end it together if y'all know what I mean. There were quite a lot of emotions going through me to be honest. I was mad, sad and just annoyed.
Sad because I can't meet my beautiful fans,
Annoyed and Mad at Johnson because he is not here for us to meet our fans.

I went to sit at the back till Jack came. After about a minute, Jack J came with a girl.They hands were intertwined tightly. I knew that J would have told me if he had a girlfriend but I don't know. I couldn't really see her face as her hair was covering it. I got up from my seat and walked over to them.
'' Hey G, Sorry I'm late.'' Jack said
'' It's alright man, who's this?'' I asked.
'' This is Allison. She will be staying with us for a bit.'' He responded. And that's when I saw her face. She was beautiful.
'' Are you guys like dating?'' I asked, curiously.
'' No!'' Allison replied,
'' Oh.Okay. Anyway, we should be starting our meet and greets now.'' I said.
'' Okay. I'll be there in a moment.'' He replied. I nodded my head and walked over to our area where we were gonna do our meet and greets. A girl came up to me and smiled.
'' Hey beautiful. How are you?'' I told her giving her a hug.
'' H-hi. I'm good thanks.'' She said.
'' What's your name?'' Pulling away from the hug.
'' Lana.'' Lana replied.
'' That's a really pretty name.'' We took 2 pictures and then we hugged again and she went off to the next person who was Cam.

After the girl went, Jack J came back.
'' Where's Allison?'' I questioned.
'' Backstage.'' He replied.
'' You need to tell me everything that happened.'' I said
'' I will.'' He said.

Allison's P.O.V.

The second Jack J held my hand I felt fireworks explode. We walked down the corridor to get to the meet and greets.. I felt really nervous yet sad. I wanted to do this with Becca but I can't which hurts a lot. But like Jack said I need to let loose. And that is what I am going to do. I will always have Becca in my heart no matter what happens. For Jack, I felt really bad because of me he is late and isn't able to meet his amazing fans. But I know that he would do the same for anyone who was in the same situation.

We finally reached the meet and greets and the first person I saw was Jacob Sartorius. He saw me looking at me and then smiled. He looked at mine and Jacks hand and smirked. I blushed because our hands where intertwined and we were standing close to each other so it looked like we had something going on if you know what I am going on about. I carried on looking at our hands until we got backstage. While I was looking at our hands, I felt eyes staring at my back. I had a gut feeling it was the fans and that made me feel even more uncomfortable.

When we got backstage, I was met by Madison Beer.
'' I'll be back in a bit, okay? '' JJ said.
'' Yeah.'' I replied quietly. He nodded his head and went to Jack G for the meet-and-greets. I looked around and saw Madison giving me a dirty look.
'' Aww, have you been crying?'' She says in a VERY high-pitched voice. Obviously, it was fake.
'' What do you want from me?'' I said, sticking up for myself which I hardly ever do.
'' Just stay away from The Jacks. Or I'll ruin you.'' The bitch said walking away.
'' Well, ain't she friendly.'' I said to myself. I sat in one of the chairs at the back and decided to listen to some music to get my mind of the terrible things that had happened earlier on.

Jacob Sartorius's P.O.V.

A fan wanted to be on my SnapChat story so I turned around to get my phone. Though something caught my eye. JJ holding a girls hand and taking her backstage I think. She saw me looking at her and smiled. I smiled back and then looked at their hands. I smirked at the ' mystery ' girl and she looked down blushing. I didn't know her but I knew that her and JJ are going to have a great relationship. I got my phone and took a picture with the amazing fan. She thanked me and walked onto the next person who was Jacob W.

Madison's P.O.V.

I was putting on perfume which was Tease by Victoria Secret when I saw JJ coming in with a girl. He said a few things to her and left. I must be honest, she was pretty but doesn't change the way she is. I knew she was here to take one of the Jacks away from me. The Jacks mean nothing to me at all. But they don't know that. Jack G isn't my real boyfriend. I have another.

I walked up to her and gave a dirty look.
'' Aww, have you been crying?'' I says in my fake-sympathy voice.
'' What do you want from me?'' She said, trying to look confident but failing completely.
'' Just stay away from The Jacks. Or I'll ruin you.'' I threatened her. I walked away leaving her standing there.7

Mahogany's P.O.V.

I was walking to the Hang-Out Room which is what we like to call it to get something. When I reached there, I heard a high-pitched voice. Reconsigned it almost immediately. It was Madisons. I still don't know why Jack G likes her. She is so fake. I heard footsteps coming so I quickly hid. Once the footsteps were gone, I went into the room to find a pretty girl sitting on a chair at the back. I walk over to her.
'' Hey. '' I said. She opened her eyes and smiled.
'' Hi.'' She replied. I could tell she was nervous.
'' What was that shouting about?'' I asked her curiously.
'' Well...''

She told me everything about her losing her best friend, the Jacob situation and the Madison situation.

Hello Beautiful people of the world.

I'm sorry if you were offended by the whole Madison situation. I love Madison. I would never mean anything bad about her.

Also if someone knows how to put on a gif on chapters pleaseeee tell me, I wanted to add some on this chapter but it's not letting me!! :(

Thanks :)

Peace :P

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