Royalty » Merlin x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'm Merlin, by the way," the boy introduced, attempting to offer his hand to you from behind the enormous suitcase.

You let out a loud snort of laughter at the sight of the awkward boy, head peering over the top of the luggage and hand poking out of the side. Quickly, you smothered your face with your hands and blushed a furious red as you realised what you had done—it was most unlike a princess to be heard making that sort of a sound.

Merlin looked abashed at your reaction and flashed you a shy smile, copying your beet-red look. Gingerly, you reached past the suitcase and gave his offered hand a shake. "I'm Y/N," you replied before realising that of course he already knew who you are. "Which you already knew," you laughed as an afterthought.

"I should hope so," he chuckled in reply, "my lady," he corrected himself when he realised to whom he was addressing. Shaking your head, you dismissed his apology, always hating how people feared to be punished if they did not address her in a way many deemed proper.

The pair of you continued up the winding staircase, which grew narrower and more curved as you climbed higher and higher into the tower. Merlin graciously adhered to your request that he point out places that may be of use to her, both inside and outside the castle, as they ascended. 

In all of your awe at the surroundings, you forgot the heavy load which Merlin had been forced to heave up these tiring stairs, as well as giving you a verbal tour. "I'm so sorry," the apology leapt from your lips unprecedented, interrupting the servant's description of the courtroom down below.

Startling the boy out of his speech, he promptly misstepped; what happened next could only be described as chaotic. Merlin's feet lost their balance, his arms splayed out in a desperate attempt to break his fall, the huge suitcase flew out of his grip and began to fall. Your arms reacted out of pure instinct—the case stopped in mid air, suspended as though by invisible strings between you.

You blinked. The spell was broken—literally and figuratively—as you jumped and lost control. The luggage thumped to the ground with crash, bounced down a couple of stairs with a series of thumps and came to a stop.

But that was not what either of you were worried about.

Eyes widened, you gulped at the look of pure disbelief on Merlin's face. What in the name of Camelot possessed you to use magic, right in front of the manservant of the Prince himself no less, in a kingdom where it was banned and punishable by death?

Stammering incoherent words, you struggled to come up any reasonable excuse. Not that there was one when you had blatantly used magic in broad daylight. If you hadn't been so worked up, trying to figure out what you might say to the boy to make him listen, you might have noticed the smile passing across his face.

Your babbling words were soon cut short however when Merlin lifted up his hand. There it was. Fire dancing on the boy's palm as if it were a puppet under his control. Your hand lifted up beside his, an identical flame flickering on your hand. Both of you blinked, transfixed by their beauty and the joy at finding someone to share this with.

Interrupting the pair of you from your reverie, multiple pairs of footsteps could be heard thundering up the stairs the way you had come. Startled, you both dropped your hands as Prince Arthur, Marian and two guards hurried up behind you.

"What's going on up here?" Arthur questioned, looking worried. The loud bangs had attracted more attention than you or Merlin had anticipated. Glancing at the luggage which blocked their path, the Prince seemed to come to a conclusion. "Lady Y/N! I deeply apologise for my servant's clumsiness." He glared at the sorcerer as he spoke.

Shaking your head hurriedly, you fumbled over your words as you defended him, "it wasn't his fault Prince Arthur, truly. If I hadn't distracted him, none of this would have happened. Merlin has been wonderfully helpful."

He nodded curtly in reply, glaring at Merlin suspiciously. You smiled reassuringly at Marian who hovered in the background as though unsure how she had got there. The Prince ushered you both downstairs, insisting that someone else would carry the suitcase the rest of the way as the festivities in way of celebration were about to begin.

Your fellow sorcerer glanced back you as he followed Arthur ahead of you and grinned. You returned the smile, blushing faintly as your servant gave you a questioning glance. The Prince, having taken no notice of his manservant's behaviour, slapped him heartily on the back as he finished what he was saying. You turned away, still smiling.

It would seem that the visit would not going to be as horrific as you had dreaded; for now you had someone to share in a secret which, as dangerous as it was, had also proven to be pretty incredible.


um, well i'm back? sorry about that unexplained disappearance... but hey, i'm back to writing so please request anyone you want from my list of fandoms!

on that note, i'm adding bbc's class (the dw spinoff) as i've watched it recently and would enjoy writing for it!

hope you enjoyed this one!


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