Chapter 5

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Mateo should be gone now, so I think my best bet at a warm and private spot should be my very own room. I quickly make my way over to the dorm, glad that I did bring my keys this time to unlock the closed door, allowing me access to the empty and spacious room. Flopping down onto my bed, I some what try to pull my jacket off of my body, not wanting to get up again after not only the morning run but also the speedwalking across the entire campus. I'm quite exhausted actually, maybe I should look into this whole Finn thing tomorrow or after class.

As on command my phone rings and a message from Logan pops up with two links and a short little message.

Still can't believe you've never heard of this guy, here's his blog and an article about his suicide. He was really one of a kind, too bad I was never able to speak to him. Talk to you later, Adrian Lauden.

I guess I'll check it out right now, thanks man. Quickly typing up a small thank you, I proceed with opening the link to the article first, get a nice little summary before jumping into the madness. My eyes widen at the header alone and the picture of the most stunning person I've ever seen. His two different colored eyes staring right at me through the screen with a sense of captivity, insane. Dark brown hair falls into his forehead slightly but not covering those enchanting eyes in any way. How did I never see this person during my time in the closet? I basically checked out every guy that crossed my path.

Deserved or not, the Ruler of Rumors has fallen by his own hands

We all know Finn Stoyer, spreader of lies and rumors that might have crushed and destroyed many innocent lives. He made it his hobby, his obsession, to obliterate people he has never even met or talked to before, simply for his own enjoyment and humor. Crude humor if you ask me.

On the night of Saturday May 12th, his roommate Jack Taris found him in their dorm room, dead and hanging from the ceiling. He committed suicide which many aren't surprised of since people were giving him as much of a hard time he was giving  them.

"The pressure and hate must have gotten to him, it's never easy for someone to be bullied and have no one to talk to, something like that should never happen.", Logan Kenneth, a psychology student here at our college said, quite sad that he never had a chance to talk to him.

But Finn didn't really have many friends to begin with, students almost feared talking and starting conversations with him, they didn't want to be next on his "Little list" of lives he was planning to ruin next.

There won't be a memorial for him, even our respected principle was target of his hobby, back in 2015 when the rumor was spread that Mr McWalten was sharing an affair with a student, whose name won't be mentioned. Of course that wasn't true as family and friends of the poor girl confirmed.

A similar incident has happened with our beloved vice-principle, the horrible tragedy of a students suicide was used to frame Mr Cullen, though we all know that he could never harm a fly, let a alone one of his treasured students.

Some of his rumors might have been true but that does not make it okay to force lies onto innocent people and students. Finn Stoyer payed for it with his life, committing suicide as a last straw of hope.

Finn Stoyer. Ruler of Rumors. This whole article is an utter mess! And what do they mean with some of it might be true? Then there's still a slight chance that everything he said was true and people were just trying to sweet talk their way out of this.

Deserved or not? No one deserves to die! Death is something terrible, not only for the victim but also friends and relatives. And suicide is even worse!

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