Chapter 19: Heart and Soul

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I never gave much thought to how it would feel to care about someone deeply. My family sent me away and I was never interested in anyone before so I suppose I was a lost cause when it came to love.

Then Dawn came along and everything changed. It was like having one of my senses that was dormant for so long finally waking up. Watching the sleeping human from where I sat at my desk, my heart ached for her.

Realising this emotion was strange to me at the start but I still liked it. It made me feel like I had something to live for. It gave me purpose.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Dawn stirred a little in her sleep, however she didn't wake up. I noticed a stray piece of hair fall in front of her face so as quietly as I could, I crouched down at the side of my bed and tucked the strand behind her ear. My fingers lingered for a moment, not wanting to break the contact as I stared at Dawn. My Dawn.

That's what she was. She was like the dawn of a new day, her light breaking through my night and allowing me to see clearly for the first time.

I smiled a little and leaned closer. I just wanted to be near her. I stayed like that for a moment before sitting back in my chair and reaching for my spear. I had a new star to carve.

The star was for when Dawn saved me from the soon to be dead human. I would never forget that day. How the bastard shot me with something causing me to collapse to the ground, unable to move. How he held me up against the border and burnt the life from my body. I had lost all hope when suddenly, like a goddess appearing before me, Dawn knocked him down and saved my life.

I remember laying on the ground, watching the human I loved defend me. She risked everything for me. Dawn went against her people, put her life in danger for being a traitor and she knew this but did it anyway.

All to save my life.

She couldn't watch me die.

Dawn was unable take the physical pain away like I did when she jumped, but instead she took away the pain that was inside of me.

When my human said that she was going to save me, I told her that she already did but not in the way she thought. She saved me in more ways than one.

If I'm honest, she saved me from myself.

My free hand travelled up to the pendant that Dawn gave me. I was empty before she came along. My only purpose was to serve my king, to be Commander of the Protectors and be part of the kings guard. Nothing else mattered to me.

I removed my pledge from the king because after everything that happened, caring for and protecting Dawn was all that mattered to me now.

As if on cue, my human stirred again and this time, her warm eyes opened.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face when her eyes met mine. "Morning beautiful."

Dawn blinked twice and sat up. "Good morning."

I moved to sit on the bed next to her, brushing my thumb over her knuckles and delighting in the feeling of her skin against my own.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, moving some hair out of her face tenderly.

Dawn blinked again and smiled softly. "Yeah."

A comfortable silence filled the room until a curious look crossed Dawn's features.

"What are we doing today?"

"I'm not sure but the celebration being held in your honour is tomorrow so we need to prepare for that."

"Ugh that." Dawn groaned and fell backwards onto my bed. "Prepare how?"

I laughed lightly. "Well for starters, we need to get you a dress."

To Be Human (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin