Chapter 10: Nameless

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"Again!" Commander Almus yelled at the class.

I was tired, both mentally and physically but I refused to give up. That isn't what Protectors do, so why should I if I wanted to become one?

We were training in the Atrium, a class of  twenty. I wasn't friends with anyone in the class because I found no need. I was here for one purpose only, not to blather like some idiot about unimportant gossip.

The rest of the class were in their late teens while I had only just turned fourteen. My pride swelled at the thought of me being too advanced for the rest of my age group so I had to be moved up a few years. Maybe I could graduate early too.

Going back into first stance, I concentrated on my goal and awaited the Commander's instructions.

Training wasn't easy. It took many years and consisted of gruesome exercises to be chosen to protect and serve the realm. It's the highest honour for someone like me.

It was all I ever dreamed of becoming from the moment my parents sent me away. I missed them but the memories I had of them were hazy so I wasn't distraught over it. I never let anything distract me from my goal.

Looking around at the class, I knew I was easily the best there and most suited to be given the honour. Maybe I was even good enough to be chosen by the king himself.

"On the count of three, I want you all to show me that you can protect your whole body in one motion with your chosen weapon. One, two, three, go!"

Twirling the training spear around my body, it would allow no room for anyone to land an attack on me. I smiled when the Commander complimented me on my technique and my smile turned more smug as he called upon someone else as they had dropped their weapon.

Something bugged me though, it was the fact that the person he called on had a name. A lot of the students in this class were older than me by a few years and that meant that most of them had names. I was still nameless meaning I didn't care about anyone enough to let them in. The thought saddened me slightly. No one cared about me enough either.

Shaking my head slightly as if to rid my mind of the tainted thoughts, I gripped my spear tighter and focused just as Almus walked back to the front of the class.

"Alright, that's enough defence for one day. Choose a weapon, you're all going to practice one on one combat."

Smirking, I sauntered over to the weapons rack and picked up a blunt sword. It wasn't my weapon of preference but it was easier for close fighting such as this.

This was my favourite exercise for many reasons. The main one being that it required us to really put our skills to the test, and for me to show the Commander how my skills surpassed everyone in the class.

Getting used to the weight of the sword, I watched students pair up with their friends. I had none meaning I was usually stuck with the weakest student in the class. Not that I minded, they just made me look better.

"Hey nameless!"

My whole body tensed at the sound of the classes thickest student since the beginning of the new age. Eamon.

Eamon was just one of those people who shouted pointless things for no apparent reason other than his own amusement. Most of what he said didn't make sense and I knew I shouldn't care what he says. Except he knew which buttons to push that would cause me to get angry. It was his own funeral really.

"C'mon nameless, let's see what you're made of." He taunted, beckoning me closer. I was going to end him.

Standing perfectly still, I assessed my opponent just like I was trained to do. Eamon had a stocky build but nothing speed and swiftness couldn't handle. Strength could only get you so far.

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