May I help you with something? Chapter 22

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(Y/N):"I'm just childish and I acted out of stupidity"

(S):"Whatever it's over now"

He then walked out and closed the door; I feel so uncomfortable doing that to him but it happened. I decided to leave my room and go take a bath then after maybe see if the brothers need anything which reminds me I need to talk to Reiji about school.

This is my life now, I wonder when Yui is going to come back I miss her.

=====A Couple of Hours Later=====

I guess I should go see Reiji now it's been a while since I went back to school, I never really had to go I already knew the work or I just didn't care enough to go. I hope I'm not going to disturb him but knowing him I probably am, oh well here we go.

(Y/N):*You knock on the door, it creaks open slightly*

(Y/N):"Reiji may I speak with you?"

(Y/N):*You push the door open only to find an empty room, you look around just to make sure; knowing the place is clear you decide to sit down and wait for Reiji*

=====A Couple of Minutes Later=====

(R):"May I help you with something?"

I jumped a bit when Reiji spoke and put his hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N):"U-Um actually yes you can, you said you needed to speak with me about schooling?"

(R):"Oh yes I believe I did"

He walked over to desk and sorted through some papers, I never noticed it when he walked in but he was wet? Was he out in the rain?

(Y/N):"U-um Reiji?"


(Y/N):"Were you out in the rain?"

(R):"Yes I was, ah here is the paper"

(Y/N):"Why were you in the rain?"

(R);"On this paper it says that you have a few assignments you need to grab from school, which means you will be coming with us this evening"

(Y/N);"Oh alright then, thank you I will be leaving now"

(R):"Very well"

(Y/N):"Actually Reiji you never answered my question"

(R):"Such a bother~ (He said under his breath) I don't really see why it's important"

(Y/N):"It's not but I noticed that your clothes were wet so I was just curious"

He stood up from his desk and walked towards me then sat in the seat in front of me, he avoided eye contact for a bit but then looked me in the eyes.

(R):"I was out walking in the garden"

(Y/N):"Oh okay"

Silence filled the room for a brief moment.

(Y/N):"Here why don't I go grab you dry clothes and go put those wet ones in the dryer"

(R):"Very well then, thank you"

I went to grab Reiji's clothes and when I came back he was in the same position but he seemed so lost in thought.

(Y/N):"Here are you're dry clothes, would you like anything else?"

(R):"Could you please turn the kettle on"

(Y/N):"Um yeah sure"

I filled and turned on the kettle then grabbed the dry clothes and handed them to him.

(R):"Oh right"

He took off his gloves and put them on the arm of the chair, he then started to unbutton his shirt well tried he was shaking from being out in the rain; so I kneeled in front of him and started doing it for him.

(R):"Why are you doing that?"

(Y/N):"I noticed your hands were shaking so I thought it would be faster if I just did it"

(R):"Very well then"

He sat up and let me continue; while I was doing that I remembered I forgot an extra pair of gloves.

(Y/N):"There we go; now I just have to go grab and extra pair of your gloves"

(R):"It's alright I don't need them; now may I have my shirt?"

(Y/N):"Oh right here you go"

I didn't mean to stare when he was putting on his shirt but I couldn't help but notice how pale his skin really was and also how skinny he was, I stopped staring before he noticed.

(Y/N):"What kind of tea would you like?"

(R):"The jasmine tea on my desk"

I grabbed a set of china and put the tea bag in; he seemed to be warming up his shaking as stopped for the most part.

(Y/N):"Here you go, if that's all I will go"

He sipped his tea then stood up then walked towards me, he looked at me and just started at me then he noticed the bite marks from Subaru on my neck which made him look a little hurt or ticked off it was hard to tell the difference.

(R):"I see your taking your new job well"

(Y/N):"I guess so, still getting used to it though"

(R):"You're a fast learner you will adjust quickly"

(Y/N):"I guess so"

Reiji then put his hands on my face they were so cold they made me shiver, as he leaned in closer I closed my eyes not knowing what was coming; he then took one of his hands off me then took his other hand and grabbed my chin turning my head he then whispered in my ear.

(R):"after school tonight join me in my room, I have a special request~"

I turned my head back to him with my eyes open and just nodded, he then walked away grabbing a book from behind me and sat back down. I waited a second then walked towards the door as I was half way threw I looked at Reiji and he was just staring at me so intensely I just kept walking then closed the door.

I guess I should get changed and get everything ready for school; I wonder what Reiji wants me to do?


A/N: Hey my lovely readers Author~Chan here hope you enjoyed this new chapter. So sorry it took this long to update the book I've been pretty down lately and had no idea's for this chapter but I am finally feeling better and hope you love this chapter as much as I do. For now my lovely's this is all love you guys so much, remember feel free to comment any suggestions or requests you may have.

Love Author~Chan ( ω )

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