Where do you think you're going? Chapter 21

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As everyone was saying their goodbyes I decided to grab my stuff from Laito's room but when I opened the door I just slammed it and ran to my other room, he is really done with me.

After I ran into my room and slammed the door I ran to the bed and started crying not because I was hurt but because I knew that he would do something like this.

After for a while I remembered Subaru said something to Reiji about the people who killed my parents were still looking for me maybe I could give myself up to them, it's not like they can't find another girl to drink from.

I was scared of doing that but I wasted no time I got up and started packing the few things I had with me until he walked in.

~~~~~Laito's P.O.V~~~~~

After the ceremony I was bored and hungry so I called the girl from last night and told her to come over, she called a taxi and came over luckily when she came everyone was distracted so I just took her up to my room.

After we chatted we continued from where we ended last night me biting her soft skin, kissing her roughly, but as we were in the heat of the moment Y/N walked in her face was so shocked but very cute she just slammed the door and left us to finish up our little visit.

After the girl left I got re-dressed and went to ask Reiji a question.

(R):"Can I help you? And why do you smell like cheap perfume?"

(L):"You can help me and it doesn't matter"

(R):"Very well then what do you want?"

(L):"Is he still here?"

(R):"No he left after the wedding but he left this note for you"


I left the room and went back to my room; I sat on my bed and opened the note.

(Karlheinz):"Laito, Great work on leaving Y/N I didn't even have to help you but know that your action will have a consequence now we have to wait to find another woman eligible to bare another heir to this family.

I will be back in a few months to check on things and if you are still single I will bring someone I think is eligible for you, no debating.

I crumpled the paper and threw it across the room; I should go see Y/N I'm in the mood to play.

As I walked out of my room I heard talking from her room as I walked over I saw Subaru and her talking.

(L):"What's going on in here? Did the loving couple have a fight?"

~~~~~Your P.O.V~~~~~

As I was packing I realized I wasn't alone I stopped what I was doing and turned around to see a very pissed Subaru.

(S):"What are you doing?!?"

(Y/N):"Just cleaning up that's all"

(S):"Cleaning up requires a backpack!?"

(Y/N):"Can you stop yelling please"

(S):"I will if you tell me what the hell you're doing!"

(Y/N):"Fine I'm leaving"

(S):"To go where? You still have people looking for you-"

(S):"You're such an Idiot"

He stormed towards me and grabbed my wrist and threw me on the bed. As he was just about to slap me he stopped and sighed then he grabbed my face and kissed me I pushed away.

(Y/N):"I-I'm sorry"


I told him everything that happened from his father to what happened a few minutes ago, he just looked at me and then hugged me I hugged him back; I trust Subaru I don't know what I would do without him.

(L):"What's going on in here? Did the loving couple have a fight?"

(S):"Shut up Laito!"

(L):"Calm down Subaru I just want to play with Kitty~"

(S):"I swear to god if you even think about touching her"

(L):"Oh don't play the nice guy act you know your thirsty look at her skin its irresistible and her face oh it's so cute!"

I tried to leave the room but Subaru grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to the bed.

(S):"You are staying here we need to talk to Reiji about your plan"

(Y/N):"Subaru can't you keep it to yourself I won't do anything I promise"

(S):"You sound so pathetic "

(S):"Tsk~ just give me a minute"

(L):"Wow you two really sound like a perfect couple"

(Y/N,S):"Shut up!"

(L):"Hahaha so sweet, I'm bored now bye Kitty~"

After he left Subaru sat down next to me and grabbed my wrist again grabbing my attention.

(S):"I won't say anything but you owe me"

(Y/N):"What do I owe you ?"

At this point in time I don't really care anymore, I know I will have to take Yui's potion and entertain all the brothers which I'm nervous about but it's the rules if I live here.

(S):"Let me do this-"

He grabbed my chin and turned my head to the side showing my neck then with his hand he gently slid down my shirt sleeve exposing more skin.

At first I wanted just to run but I just sat there, he pulled me closer then held me and hesitated for a moment but then bit down, his bite feels so gentle like he is scared of hurting me but then rough like he is a hungry animal.

He let me go after a bit then slid my sleeve back up, he didn't look at me right away he just stared at where he had bit me then he finally looked at me and kissed me again but this time I didn't stop him but as we were kissing a feeling of guilt crawled down my spine.

(S):"I need to go"

(Y/N):"S-Subaru I'm sorry"


(Y/N):"I'm just childish and I acted out of stupidity"

(S):"Whatever it's over now"

He then walked out and closed the door; I feel so uncomfortable doing that to him but it happened. I decided to leave my room and go take a bath then after maybe see if the brothers need anything which reminds me I need to talk to Reiji about school.

This is my life now, I wonder when Yui is going to come back I miss her.


A/N: Hey my lovely readers Author~Chan here hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Tell me what you think of this new chapter and let me know if you have any special requests for the next chapter in a few days. For now my lovely's this is all love you guys so much.+

Love Author~Chan ( ω )

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