My First? Chapter 6

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(L): "Oh Y/N you have made me wait for so long" So LONG! its been two days.

(L): "Y/N just relax" My heart started pounding as he got closer.

I could see his smile becoming bigger as he moved closure, I wanted to scream and run but something made me stop and stay still did I want this? Am I ready for the pain? I know my face probably looked nervous I bet he enjoyed that.

(L): "Heheh aw Y/N you look so adorable when your scared. Give me more" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to his chest.

I could feel his breath on my neck, his breathing was so warm and heavy like he was just running from something but I knew that wasn't the reason he was panting. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him I couldn't help but stare into his eyes those beautiful emerald eyes.

As I was lost in his eyes I felt something strong and rough on my lips he was kissing me! I was in shock but I liked it. The kiss was long, rough, and passionate once we broke from each other we were both out of breath then he grabbed my waist and pulled as close as I could get. I felt him move to my neck licking it I had shivers going down my spin I could feel his grin.

A couple seconds after I could feel him kissing my collar bone then my neck again going back and forth, then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I couldn't help but grab Laito's shirt it hurt and I moaned in pain, his fangs felt so deep in skin I could feel his grip getting tighter at some points but i'm sure he enjoyed every minute. I never let go of his shirt and he never let go of me.

After a little bit I was surprised I didn't feel weak or tired just sore. He finally released from my neck blood dripping from his chin as he wiped it off he grabbed my chin again then went back to kissing me being rough like he was before but this time I could taste the blood on his lips but I didn't mind. He finally let go of me and released from our kiss then just looked at me I could see the lust in his eyes and the pink in his cheeks from the heat.

(L): "Well well Y/N, You were so sweet I want more but i'm going to save it for later" He just looked at he grinning.

(Y/N): " L- laito why did you kiss me ?

(L): " Why else? I wanted to get your blood pumping the best way I knew how" 

I realized that it probably didn't mean anything to him and that I should just forget we ever kissed I don't even like him like that at least I think I don't?

(Y/N): "O-oh okay"

(L): " I have to go now breakfast is soon. You should sit next to me at breakfast ok?"

(Y/N): "S-sure um okay, See you in a bit" He smiled and walked away.

Once I was finally alone I felt where he had bit me the wholes were so small but they hurt so much and it still felt like he still had his fangs in me. I decided to go back inside and look at them to decide if I needed to put a sweater on or not. Once I got inside there he was sitting on the couch in the living room he just waved at me with a wide grin I just smiled and walked on upstairs. As I walked into the room Yui was awake she looked frantic.

(Y): "Where were you I thought one of the brothers kidnapped you! I thought Kanato was torturing you somewhere!" I just laughed.

(Y/N): "Yui i'm fine I woke up early and went to the garden I wanted to enjoy the beautiful day" She then rushed over to me and hugged me I hugged her back I felt bad for making her worry.

(Y/N): " Yui i'm so-" She cut me off.

(Y): "WHO DID THAT!?" I looked at her shocked were they bigger than I thought? Were they really red? I snapped out of my thoughts and just held her arms.

(Y/N): "Yui calm down I think you just woke up the whole manor" we started laughing. 

(Y): "But seriously who did it? How do you feel? are you tired? Can I get you anything?"

(Y/N): "Yui calm down i'm ok I don't feel tired and the person who did it was-"

(L): "Now now wheres the fun if you tell her? You should have let her guess"

(Y): "IT WAS LAITO!?" I felt embarrassed when he cut her off but I couldn't help but laugh at Yui's reaction.

(Y/N): "Yes it was now can you stop screaming? its early" We were all laughing.

(Y): "Oh yea sorry just didn't expect you to make your move so quick" She looked over to Laito who was just smiling.

(L): "I couldn't help it I was craving it for so long and it was the perfect chance" Yui and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

(R): "If you are done yelling at this hour, Breakfast is ready" He then walked away I was surprised that Reiji and the other brothers  were already awake.

(L): "Come on Little B**** and Y/N lets go"

(Yui & Y/N): "Okay"


A/N:Hey my lovely readers! Hope you liked this chapter had a lot of fun writing it. Let me know what you want next lovely's different bite or another chapter later in the day with Laito giving (You!) your second bite. Let me know lovely's. Love ya.

Savannah (づ ᗒ ω ᗕ )づ

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