|05| Lost Sheep

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You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
Tell me who
Are you?


Rule number five: Ever heard the proverb, rescue someone and get lost yourself? Yeah. Me neither. I'll recommend you don't trade your home/protection for anything. Not even a once in a lifetime scholarship.


I KEPT A CHECKLIST. Of things I knew I would never do, even if I was granted the chance to wish upon a star. Nothing went my way, so I accepted things just the way they were and lived my life sparingly, one day at time. Apart from helping Mickey lose a tooth (which was only meant as a joke, I think Mickey might have missed the hidden humor in it tho), I had traveling on my Checklist. 

I never mentioned to anyone how much the thought of traveling made my senses scream with joy. The thought of the wind slashing through my hair while sailing the Caribbean and the tranquil peace I would feel when walking the streets of Paris, made my heart skid in anxiety. It would be great to travel someday. Bathing under the glorious gaze of the sun in Caledonia, was one thing I had always yearned to do. I wanted to go all out, to the ends of the world if I could.

Upon every crazy star I wished on, one thing I couldn't and wouldn't ever fathom was getting lost in Spain, Salamanca to be exact. I had no idea where I was. The only thing I was quite aware of, were the magnificent monumental buildings, I kept resting my eyes on. I never understood the term "lost sheep" until now. The only omission would be sheep, since I was still very human, a sweaty one at that.

I blindly pored over the map in my hands as I dragged my tired feet on the azoic square tiled floor. Now I wished I'd really paid attention in geography. Cos all I could see was unevenly edged up drawings and thin dashes. I was way beyond confused. I tore my eyes away from it while folding it up. 

My unsettling eyes glanced through the ancient buildings and craftily styled stone statues. Highly erected menhirs stood upright under the bright glimpses of light emanated by the nigh cloudless sky. Walking through the city was like strolling through an ancient world of magnificent paintings and hallowed halls. The buildings turned a golden hue, as the sun's rays kissed it with its touch. I was in a beautiful country and I would have been glad if not for my growling stomach and the fact that I was still very lost.

I hung on tightly to my back pack. There was nothing in it. Seriously, if I had known I would get lost I wouldn't have stuffed it with stupid colorful ribbons and tarts. I would have stuffed it with money instead. My eyes slowly pooled with tears. I didn't even have a penny on me. Penny. I hated that name (or word or whatever it was) now. 

My mum as sensitive and optimistic as she was raised us telling us, we had to make the best out of every situation we found ourselves in. But guess who wasn't finding anything good about this situation? Yes. Me. I'd to admit, the delicious smell of steak and tortillas which hanged in the air was a bit distracting. I caught myself drooling, not once but twice. Hunger in a strange country with no money was a curse. Really.

I nervously stared at my high knee socks as I sat on the sidewalk, counting all the knitted patterns of diamond shapes in it. After I finished, I went on to count the number of tiles on the cobblestone floor. I was getting lost in my new venture when I heard, "Oh dear, what are you doing here. Are you all right?" I fumed, thinking it was another 'hola chica' from a perv who'd nothing doing.

I lifted my head, "Oh hey Carla!" I brightened at the familiar sight. "Nice seeing you again"

"Holla! I'm sorry I didn't get your name before you handed me over to my mummy," she apologized. I liked how tiny her voice sounded, it made her look more cuter and cuddlier. I smiled, turning to her mum. Who'd Carla's hands in hers. With how tight she holding on to her, I'd a feeling Carla was never getting lost again.

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