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The pack returned home the next morning. Brooklyn had come home earlier last night. Brooklyn hid in her room, not planning on leaving. She realised she had school that day, and it would be the only opportunity to see Scarlet without anyone else knowing. She unlocked the door, climbed out the window and ran as fast as she could.

Rhydian came into Brooklyn's room to find her missing. He picked up his phone and dialled Jana's number "Jana, I've got no time to explain, but you've got to get Matei, Tj or Selina to go to school now." Jana replied "Why?" Rhydian said "Brooklyn's going to see Scarlet. Please stop her." Jana agreed and called Matei, Selina and Tj.

Brooklyn stopped in her tracks as she sniffed out the group. Brooklyn took off running for the school. When she reached the school she found Scarlet at the top of the stairs. They saw each other and Brooklyn ran up the stairs and tackled Scarlet into a hug. Brooklyn remembered that the pack were coming "Scarlet I don't have much time with you, the pack are coming to break us up again." Scarlet said "I don't want that to happen." Brooklyn replied "Then lets leave." Scarlet said "Where can we go?" "Anywhere but here. Come on you know I'm right." Scarlet nodded and giggled. Brooklyn grabbed Scarlet's hand and headed down the stairs. They then saw Matei, Rhydian, Jana, Tj and Selina at the entrance to the school. Brooklyn stopped in her tracks "Turn around, and head for the window." Scarlet said "What?" Brooklyn replied "Just trust me." They turned around and ran back up the stairs "Wolf form now!;" they reached the window, wolfed out and jumped through the window. The rest of the pack ran up the stairs to see the destruction of the windows. Jana said "Brooklyn would never do anything like this, right?" Rhydian replied "It's because of Scarlet, this is why they couldn't be together." Matei said "Me and Tj will go find her." Then nodded and the headed for the exit. Rhydian looked at the window. He didn't understand how she could've done this.

Scarlet lead Brooklyn into the forest.
"Scarlet, where are we going?" Scarlet said "I think it's finally time for you to meet my pack." Brooklyn replied "Really?" Scarlet nodded. Brooklyn was anxious for some odd reason. Since Jana told her that she was about to become the pack leader, she was a bit sceptical. She pushed it to the back of her mind even since. "Scarlet, are you sure about this? I mean I know the person who exposed wolfbloods to the human race. Won't that be a problem?" Scarlet replied "Yeah I told them that, but they know that you had no involvement in it. They trust you since you grew up in the wild." "But so did Jana." "It was Jana's idea to reveal us, not yours." Scarlet grabbed her hand and lead her to the camp.

Brooklyn tugged at Scarlet's hand "Wait. Tj and Matei are following us." Scarlet replied "Why are they?" Brooklyn said "Probably to break us up again." Scarlet sighed. They ran into the bushes. They saw Matei and Tj walk past " Tj, we can't see them anywhere, let's just turn around." Tj replied "We're close to the camp, we'll just get close, get a quick look and go back. Is that cool?" They both nodded and walked off. Brooklyn and Scarlet came out "This is risky." Brooklyn was confused "Why, are we in danger now?" Scarlet replied "Maybe, if the pack see them then yes. They'll see them as intruders and traitors." "Well then we have to help them." Scarlet nodded. "Well which way is it?" Scarlet pointed to the north and they walked in search of the camp. When they reached the camp they saw Matei and Tj in the middle of the pack. "We're too late." Scarlet grabbed Brooklyn's hand "Come on, we'll sort this out." They walked into the camp, Brooklyn gripping onto Scarlet's hand, not planning on letting go. Brooklyn saw Amelia, Matei's sister. She seemed to be the leader "Scarlet, welcome back;" she called her up. She stopped when she saw Brooklyn "Brooklyn, is that you?" The pack including Matei and Tj turned around to see them. Amelia hugged both of them. Matei said "Brooklyn, what are you doing here?" Brooklyn replied "Why are you following me?" Tj replied "It doesn't matter, you're coming with us." Tj grabbed Brooklyn's hand and started pulling her. The wild pack pulled her back while Matei and Tj were pulled away from the group. Brooklyn asked "Where are they being taken?" Amelia replied "Don't worry, it's just punishment for trespassing. They won't get hurt." Scarlet said "Yeah, nothing's going to happen to them. We promise."

Brooklyn got to know the rest of Amelia's pack like family. She loved being with them, and they welcomed her into their pack. Havren, one of Amelia's friends said "Scarlet has told us of your bravery, loyalty and respect about the wolfblood race." Brooklyn replied "Well, what can I say, we don't belong in the city. We never did." Havren said "You could be a great spokesman for the wild pack. Tell us more." Brooklyn stood up, headed for a podium at the centre of the camp and said "The city isn't our home it never was, but to humans they think our home should be cages, behind bars, in captivity. Jana believed that humans would except us, but they never will. What have they done to us in the past, attacked the camp, trap us, all because they found out. Jana is the reason for this, some of you may know that she had human friends, who she trusted. What message does that give us? That we should let them into our lives and treat them like we are best friends? No, I'm tired of doing it like that, I'm tired of letting humans manipulate me and humiliate just because I'm a wolfblood. I'm stronger than them, I'm braver than them and I'm no longer afraid. We are all those things, and more. Not viscous, freaks of nature. We will soon rise, and show the world what they get for ruining our safety, our land and our lives. We will no longer live in fear!!!!" Howling followed courtesy of the entire camp. Brooklyn stood there, proud of her accomplishments. She saw Scarlet and Amelia clapping in the middle followed by the rest of the pack. Brooklyn came down from the podium and was tackled by Scarlet and Amelia "That was insane." Scarlet followed "Yeah that was great. You know you would be a great addition to the pack." Brooklyn shrugged "I mean it was really fun talking there. I guess it would be nice." Scarlet was gleaming "Wait, you'd seriously think about joining us?" Brooklyn nodded "Yeah, I meant everything I said. I don't belong in the city." Scarlet again tackled her into a hug, Brooklyn giggled and the others joined in.

Back at home, Rhydian was panicking. He hadn't gotten word from Tj or Matei and Brooklyn hadn't come back. He started the get anxious about it all. He knew Brooklyn had ran off with Scarlet so he was worried about her hanging out with her. Jana was sitting with him "I'm going out to find them, all of them." Rhydian replied "I'll come too." Jana said "No, you're a nervous wreck. She won't listen to you anyway. I'll get her back." Jana ran out and used eolas to find them. After she found them she took off running.

Brooklyn was walking through the pack, thinking about if she wanted to stay here. She saw Matei and Tj in a cafe formed by twigs. She walked over "Why are you both here?" Tj replied "First tell us why you're here?" Brooklyn replied "I don't belong in the city, and I can be with Scarlet here. I don't have to worry about school, being humiliated about who I am, I'm myself here. So why are you here?" Matei said "We were asked to bring you back. What happened at the school? Why did you do that?" "That was the only time that I could see Scarlet, and when you all came to stop me, I was angry, I needed to get out of there. So I did what I did." Tj said "Brooklyn, can you get us out of here?" Brooklyn said "Fine, but you must promise not to come back for me, please? I'm happy here." She opened the door "Run south east. It'll bring you back. You'll be close enough to the den." "I'll be okay." They ran off into the trees.

Brooklyn came back to the group. Scarlet asked "Is everything okay?" Brooklyn replied "Everything's perfect. You wanna know why?" The group looked at each other and Brooklyn said "Because you have a new addition to the pack." Amelia said "Who's joining?" Brooklyn replied "Me." Scarlet exclaimed "Really!" Brooklyn nodded. The group howled and Brooklyn joined in too. It felt like the best howl she ever did.

Matei and Tj turned around when they heard the howling. Tj said "That's worrying." Matei replied "Yeah, you're right. We've lost her." Jana ran into them "What happened? Where's Brooklyn?" Matei looked in the direction of the choir of howling. Jana realised "Are you serious?" Tj nodded "I wonder how Rhydian is going to take this." The others agreed "Let's get out of here." They walked out of the camp, watched by Brooklyn. She was happy that they left, she finally felt happy and free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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