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Brooklyn and Rhydian woke up in the back of a van. Brooklyn shook Rhydian. "Rhydian wake up. Where are we?" "I don't know. It's going to be ok." Brooklyn rested her head on his shoulder. She trusted him and believed in what he said. They were going to get through this, no matter what.

Brooklyn couldn't get that girl out of her head. Her browny blond hair, her terrified face. She looked around the same age as her and seemed uneasy about what she was doing. The way she trembled made Brooklyn realised that she was forced to do it. Though she saw this she could never forgive her, even if she never sees her again. "Rhydian remember that girl who shot us, do you think she was forced to?" Rhydian shrugged his shoulders "Honestly, I've no idea. What do you think?" Brooklyn said "Well I could see it in her eyes and she was trembling and uneasy." Rhydian butted in "It's probably just an act. She obviously was trying to make us feel sorry for her. She's gotten into your head." Brooklyn rolled her eyes. She went to the back of the van and started howling. Rhydian said "Brooklyn, what are you doing?" Brooklyn replied "Unlike you I'm trying to get out of here." Rhydian said "Do you want them to come back here and shoot us again?" Brooklyn snapped back "Well if you wouldn't mind helping me, we'll distract with howling and hop out and run." Rhydian said "Like that's going to work." Brooklyn marched back to the top of the van and slumped down onto the floor. "Fine, since you don't think my plan is going to work, why don't you try do something Superman?" All of a sudden the van came to a sharp stop. Rhydian said "Great, now we're doomed." Brooklyn said "Don't even think about blaming this on me. You never know, it mightn't be them." "You believe way too much." They heard screams from the front of the van and then the back door of the van opened, revealing a wild wolfblood with long red hair, just like Jana's though hers was darker. They both jumped out and Rhydian ran off. Brooklyn was intrigued by this wolfblood and felt like she knew her. Like she met her in her very early years. Rhydian called "Brooklyn come on. Let's go!" Brooklyn ran up to the wolfblood and said "Whoever you are, I know I know you. We need to talk. Meet me here tomorrow at 5:00. Please be there . Thank you." She handed her a piece of paper with the place where they were meant to meet. She smiled beautifully and nodded. Brooklyn smiled back and ran to join her brother.

The next day
The next day was the last day of summer and it was back to school. Now the secret came out, the group knew that it would be different and difficult for them. They all walked into school and as soon as they did everyone was looking at them. The group were anxious especially Brooklyn. She had a lot of friends in school, and was  worried about losing them. Rhydian said "Hey Brooklyn, we need to go to our lockers. We'll see you at lunch, kay?" Brooklyn nodded. The group split up to go to their lockers.

Brooklyn walked up the stairs to the second floor where her locker was. As she was walking, everyone was looking at her, even the friends she grew up with in school. She got to her locker, opened it and got her books. While doing this, her locker was slammed shut. "Oh look at the little wolf." Brooklyn replied "Freya, just leave it." Freya hated Brooklyn, even before the secret came out. Brooklyn never knew why Freya hated her. Freya replied "Oh no, she's going to wolf out. Oh look there are the veins." Brooklyn said "Freya, please will you just leave me alone. I don't want any trouble." Freya said "I've never heard of a cowardly wolf, I've only heard of the lion. I guess you both look the same." Brooklyn started getting impatient and then the veins started appearing. Freya said "Look everybody, looks like someone's a little angry. Oh wow the veins are getting darker. Here it comes." Brooklyn broke out in a violent rage "Freya, back off. You're on real thin ice." Freya bounced back "Me? I think you are. The secret's out, and not everyone is happy with you creatures. " Freya then said "Oh there's the bell, you better run along.. on all fours." Freya and all her friends started laughing. Brooklyn reopened her locker, got the rest of her books and went to class.

On her way to lunch, Brooklyn saw a red haired girl at the locker beside her locker. She knew she recognised her. It then clicked. It was the girl who saved her and Rhydian. She ran over to her. "Hey. Remember me?" She turned around and said "Oh yeah, hi. I'm Scarlet. What's your name?" Brooklyn replied "I'm Brooklyn. I really want to thank you for saving me and my brother." Scarlet replied "No problem. How are you after that.?" Brooklyn said "We're both fine. Just happy to be out of there." Scarlet said "Great. Are you okay, I saw Freya and the rest of the girls pestering you?" Brooklyn replied "Yeah, I guess. I mean I'm kinda used to it. She's never really liked me. Never knew why." Scarlet put her hand on Brooklyn's shoulder "Well I like you, so you now have somebody to help fight your battles." Brooklyn hugged her and whispered "Thank you." Scarlet whispered back "No problem, I'm always here." Brooklyn remembered "Oh, are we still meeting up today." Scarlet said "Oh yeah, totally." Brooklyn replied "Great, can't wait. I got to go meet my brother. Do you wanna come?" "No, I have to talk to a teacher. I'll see you at 5:00." They both waved at each other and went to wherever they needed to be.

Brooklyn was getting ready to meet Scarlet. She was super excited because she needed to know about her childhood and this was the perfect time to ask. As she was getting ready Rhydian knocked on her door. "Hey what are you getting ready for?" Brooklyn replied "I'm meeting someone. One of my new friends from school." Rhydian looked worried "Is it a boy?" Brooklyn rolled her eyes "No Rhydian, why would I be meeting a boy in the forest. I'm meeting a wolfblood." Rhydian said "Just be careful." Brooklyn assured him that she'd be fine . She finished getting ready and headed out into the wild.

Brooklyn walked through the forest looking for Scarlet. She saw Scarlet doing the same, looking for Brooklyn. They met each other and hugged. Brooklyn said "Hey Scarlet. Thanks for meeting me." Scarlet replied "No problem. So I've been thinking, why did you want to talk to me?" Brooklyn replied "When I saw you, that night, I knew I had seen you before." Scarlet said "Where?" Brooklyn said "It's kinda crazy but I feel like a know you from my childhood." Scarlet looked at Brooklyn with this complexed look on her face. She tilted her head, getting a new perspective of Brooklyn's face. Scarlet stood back and said "Wait, where did you grow up?" Brooklyn replied "The wild, I guess. What about you?" Scarlet said "Same, I lived in the wild too. Well I still do, sometimes." Brooklyn said "I feel like I know you. Do you feel the same?" Scarlet replied "I do, but I need to see it to know." Brooklyn said "Okay. Oh, I know!" Scarlet exclaimed "What? What is it?" Brooklyn said "I remember my brother saying that he kept a box of pictures and memories from when we were little and if I remember there was a picture of me and a girl with red hair." Scarlet tackled me into a hug. She screamed "Brilliant! Well, what are we waiting for ? Let's go!"

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