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Now we come to you with the story that is still shocking the earth. At a press conference 3 months ago, a group of the unknown species called wolfbloods entered and showed their true self. The group came in wolf form and explained all, this caused the fall of the company Segolia. After speaking to members of Segolia, they opened up about their original plan. More on that story later.

Are we really safe from these wolfbloods? Why haven't we known about them and will we now have to face a growing threat now they're now known by the public?

Jana turned off the tv immediately. Jana dug her head in her hands. Matei said "Jana, it's okay. It's probably just made up to make people scared of us." Selina said "Yeah, but people do believe it and they won't listen to us." Matei said "Well then we need to show people that we aren't what people say we are." Tj said "That isn't as easy as you think. As Selina said they won't listen to us, we've already got a bad image." Selina said "And they can take it as joke, that we're just trying to gain their trust, then we'll actually be planning something bigger." From outside they heard howling. Tj said "Brooklyn is still waiting for Rhydian?" Brooklyn is Rhydian's younger sister. Rhydian went to Canada months ago and Brooklyn has been waiting. Jana said "I'll go get her. It's not safe and it's going to give us a bad image."

Jana walked up to Brooklyn who was sitting on the hill. "Hey, why are you out here on your own." Brooklyn said "Nothing, its just I miss Rhydian." "So, it is something." Brooklyn laughed and nudged Jana slightly in the arm. Jana rustled Brooklyn into a hug. "I know you miss him, but he will come back. Come on let's go in, it's freezing out here." As Brooklyn and Jana turned to go Brooklyn heard something far off in the distance. "Wait! I hear something." She howled again, waiting for a reply. She heard a reply "Jana, someone's out there. I need to know who it is." Brooklyn took off running. "Brooklyn, wait! You don't know who it is!" Jana headed back to get to the rest of the group.

She got back to the group and said "Guys I need your help." Tj said "What is it? Where's Brooklyn?" "That's why I need help. She heard something in the woods and she raced off after it." Selina butted in "Did she say what she heard?" Jana said "I don't know. I think she thinks it's Rhydian. Please help me find her." They all nodded and ran out.

Brooklyn howled waiting for a reply and at every step it felt like it was getting closer. She came upon a camp which was full of wolfbloods just like her. Her initial home was the wild and this camp felt like home. From the corner of her eye she saw another wolf but this one seemed interesting and she felt somewhat connected. She knew exactly who it was.

He came out of wolf form and stared her in the eyes. He then brightly smiled and Brooklyn did the same. Her big brother was across from her, in the flesh. Rhydian was home. As there was a pack full of vicious, wild wolfbloods between them they couldn't go over to each other. Brooklyn needed to see him so she went to the ground and performed eolas to find a new path. She told Rhydian to do the same. They both had the same vision of a new path. They both took of running because nothing was stopping them.

They both reached a part of the forest, out of sight. They ran at each other and as soon as they met in the middle, their foreheads touched and it felt like old times. Rhydian said "Brooklyn, I missed you!" Brooklyn replied "I'm the one who missed you more." "Listen Brooklyn, I'm so sorry it took a lifetime for me to get home. After we heard on the news that the secret was out, no matter what I said or did I had to stay in case something happened to any of us." "It's fine. All I care about is that you're home." Rhydian picked up Brooklyn and embraced her "Look at how grown up you are." Brooklyn said "Thanks, so do you." "Rhydian, why is there a wild pack. Is it about the secret?" "Maybe Jana might know. We should probably get back." "Yeah it's that way. I really missed my wolfblood brother." "And I missed my wolfblood sister." As they were walking back, Rhydian stopped in his tracks. Brooklyn turned around "Rhydian, what is it?" Rhydian said " Its a human, two of them." Brooklyn looked around "I can sense more that way." "Brooklyn, we need to get out of here." "But how, there seems to be all around us." They looked around trying to spot anyone. Brooklyn stopped in her tracks. She patted Rhydian on the shoulder and said "Rhydian do you see that. Is that a girl?" Rhydian said "Is that a tranquilliser gun?" This girl looked terrified. Her finger trembled as she about to shoot. Men were shouting behind her and then she shot and Brooklyn fell, followed by Rhydian. The last thing they both saw was bright lights and faces.

Hey guys I'm so sorry that it's been months since I said I would be updating. I've had a lot of trouble working on this chapter. It's been hard trying to form this book but recently I've been given new characters so the story is getting under way now. Hope you guys enjoy the book. Cliodhna xx

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