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It was 11:00pm when Brooklyn and Scarlet arrived back at Brooklyn's house. By then, everyone was asleep. Brooklyn didn't know exactly where the box was, Rhydian was the only one who knew. Brooklyn told Scarlet. Scarlet replied "Well could you use eolas?" Brooklyn said "Why." Scarlet explained "Eolas isn't just for finding people, it can be used to find objects." Brooklyn looked confused. Scarlet said "Okay, take my necklace, hide this somewhere around here, but not to far." Scarlet handed Brooklyn the necklace and Brooklyn examined it. Like Scarlet, she knew she saw this somewhere before. Scarlet closed her eyes and Brooklyn went to hide her necklace. Scarlet got onto the ground and performed eolas. When she finished she went to where the necklace was and found it. "See, it's not just for people." Brooklyn was impressed but that necklace meant something.

Brooklyn got down on the floor, ready to perform eolas. She closed her eyes and felt everything. Ah felt the wind, the sky and then all of nature hit her like a gust of wind. She opened her eyes to reveal her glowing eyes. Her head filled with pictures of the box and the attic, then was filled with pictures of her childhood. She jumped back up "Scarlet, I know where it is. Come on let's go!" She grabbed Scarlet's hand and dragged her inside.

They reached the attic and opened it. They climbed up and were shocked by what they saw. The  whole attic was decked out like a wild wolf camp. Scarlet said "This place is amazing." Brooklyn walked in "Yeah, Rhydian spent a lot of time in here. Let's start looking for that picture." They both started rummaging in boxes, looking for the picture. Brooklyn then got a scent and held her hand up to Scarlet "Stop. Someone's downstairs. Hide over here." All of the sudden the door opened and Rhydian's head popped up. He looked half asleep and didn't see them. They both gave a sigh of relief. They got up and turned around to see one box hidden under a rug. They sat down in front of it and took the rug of of it. Brooklyn took the lid off and they both looked in the box. The box was empty except for a picture book. Scarlet took the book out and flipped through it. Brooklyn stopped her at one page. The picture was of two girls, sitting in a field on a hawaiian like summers day. "That's us." Brooklyn replied "We grew up together." Scarlet said "I remember that day, it was the day where we started learning eolas, remember?" Brooklyn smiled "Yeah, and look at us now." Scarlet giggled. They spent the rest of the night up in the attic and fell asleep.

When Brooklyn woke up Scarlet was gone. Brooklyn saw a letter taped to the picture. She opened it:
Dear Brooklyn,

Sorry, I had to leave during the night. I had something important to attend to and I kinda forgot about it. I hope to tell you what it was about but it's about my pack and it's very personal. But I hope you can meet my pack soon, I've told them all about you and the time we've spent together. I had so much fun last night and I really want to do it again. You can keep the picture,me knowing that I grew up with you is enough,
Scarlet x

Brooklyn ran downstairs and into her room before Rhydian or anyone else came in. She was reading over the letter, when the door opened. She threw the letter under her pillow. Rhydian came in "Hey how was last night." Brooklyn replied "Really good." Rhydian sat down on her bed "Well that's great to hear. I was wondering if you want to go into the forest today, the pack are planning on going?" Brooklyn replied "Yeah that sounds great." "Okay Brooklyn, when you're ready meet us downstairs." Brooklyn nodded and headed downstairs.

Rhydian saw the corner of the letter and took it out from under the pillows and read over it. Jana came in "What's this?" Rhydian handed the letter to her "Brooklyn's new friend wrote this." They both looked at the letter and Rhydian said "I'm worried now because last night I heard someone in the attic. The picture must be of her when she was younger." Jana replied "Rhydian, you know she was going to grow impatient and she would soon want to find out about her childhood." Rhydian said "But she was never meant to find out." Jana replied "She needed to find out, you've kept it from her for too long." Jana patted Rhydian on the shoulder "You've been a great brother to her, don't be harsh with her. She needs you, even if you both don't think so." Rhydian knew Jana was right but since he'd been in Canada he didn't feel like a great brother and didn't know how to become one.

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