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The pack headed out into the forest to improve their wolf. The forest felt so uplifting for all the wolfbloods, it felt so alive, to Brooklyn though this felt like heaven. The air, the ground, the wind, everything felt so natural. She couldn't be anywhere else.

Jana approached Brooklyn.  So, Scarlet." Brooklyn replied "How do you know about her." Jana replied "I know her from the wild." Brooklyn was confused "What about her?" Jana pulled her apart from the group "Brooklyn, from what I've heard she's about to become leader of the wild pack." Brooklyn said "Why is that bad?" Jana put both hands on Brooklyn's shoulders "Just be careful, please?" Brooklyn nodded but didn't fully understand why she had to be careful around Scarlet, she trusted her. Brooklyn knew something was weird. She knew Jana saw the letter, but she looked at the one person who definitely had seen it.

They reached a circular opening in the middle of the forest. The pack laid down their things and set themselves into a circle. This was to feel one with nature and embrace their wild side. All of them closed their eyes. They all opened them to reveal them glowing yellow. Howling filled the forest like an orchestra of nature. The whole pack felt more wild and at home then ever before. The pack stopped when they sniffed out another wolf somewhere close. The group started growling and Matei said "It's definitely a wild wolfblood." Selina replied "Well, where is it then?" Jana said "Selina calm down, they can't smell an attitude but we can see it. They're close." Rhydian went in front of Brooklyn "Stay behind me, you'll be safer." Brooklyn pushed him away "I'm not four years old." Rhydian was unsure, he didn't know why she was acting so strange.

Then all of a sudden a wolf pounced on Brooklyn. The rest of the group turned around in shock, but Brooklyn lay on the ground in awe. As the wolf stared down at her their eyes met and the wolf calmed down. Brooklyn went to put her hand on the wolf's cheek. Then Brooklyn was pulled from the wolf by Rhydian who started growling. Rhydian turned into wolf form. He was growling and jumping at the wild wolf. All of a sudden they started attacking each other.Brooklyn stood in shock at her brother. The wild wolf had enough and ran off. Rhydian turned back to human form and turned to Brooklyn "Why didn't you do anything? You could've been killed." Brooklyn replied "Didn't you see? He wasn't going to do anything to me." Rhydian yelled "Really? He's wild, vicious." Brooklyn argued "Wild. We grew up in the wild, you were vicious there." Rhydian replied "It's not safe in the wild, that's why we left." Brooklyn said "It's not safe this, it's not safe that. It's safer than the city anyway. Ever since Jana blew it for us" as she turned and nodded at Jana. Matei said "Hey Jana didn't do anything wrong, she did it to save us." Brooklyn replied "What about Amelia, you haven't seen her in a while, huh?" Rhydian butted in "Hey, don't bring Jana or anyone else into this. Anyway the people in the wild aren't safe." Jana said "Rhydian it's alright. She has a reason to be mad at me. Rhydian is right though, the wild isn't safe. Neither are the people." Brooklyn shouted "How would you know? Oh wait, maybe because you both couldn't keep your nose out of my business!" Jana cried "What are you talking about?" "You know Jana. The letter." She turned to her brother, hoping he wouldn't disappoint "What about you bro? Does it ring any bell?" Rhydian looked guilty and Brooklyn knew it "Of course, you saw my letter. You never left my room after me." He looked at his feet. Brooklyn ran off into the forest, the rest of the pack called after her.

The pack planned to stay the night in the forest, because of the arguments that occurred it was getting late. Brooklyn still hadn't come back. Tj said "Why are we just sitting here? We should be looking for her." Rhydian replied "Tj, cool it. She'll come back." Tj said "You're the one who should be looking, honestly you're the reason she's out there by herself." Rhydian stood up "You better watch it, Tj." Jana butted in "Hey! Both of you, calm down. We'll search tomorrow. As we can see, we're all a bit anxious. Let's get some rest and start tomorrow."

In the forest, Brooklyn walked through the trees, clearing her head of everything that happened earlier that evening. She sat down against a tree trunk, underneath the starlit sky. Her mind felt clear and at ease. Her body relaxed but mostly her mind. The events that occurred were almost a blur , and it felt like the whole night never happened. She let out a sigh of relief, while the wind blowed calmly against her face. The calmness broke as she was pulled through the bushes and found she couldn't scream.

Her heart raced. She was filled with stress and fear, knowing that she never should've ran from the pack. She turned around to see Scarlet sitting on her knees. Brooklyn cried "What was that for?" Scarlet yelled "Sshhh! Look who's there." They both looked over the bushes to see Freya and Paige walking through the forest. They listened into their conversation.
"Paige, come on. The pack should be here somewhere." "Freya, are you sure about this? I mean they are still human." "They're wolves, and anyway you're the one who shot two of them." Brooklyn looked at Scarlet, while Brooklyn started growling. "What was that?" "Paige calm down. It's just the wind. Anyway my dad is super happy with you. You've been doing great work for him." "When will I meet him. I've never met my boss." "Paige, he's my dad. So pretty much you're meeting him when you're with me. Just come on, the tracking chip is leading this way." They both walked further into the forest. Brooklyn stood up "She's the one who shot me and Rhydian. They must be heading for the rest of the pack. Scarlet, I need you now." She held both of Scarlet's hands "Please?" Scarlet nodded and they ran back to the centre.

Rhydian sat up, rubbing his neck. Jana got up "Rhydian, are you okay?" Rhydian replied "Yeah, it's just my neck. It's probably the way that I'm lying down." Jana said "Oh, well if it gets worse tell me, kay?" Rhydian nodded "Jana, I'm really worried about Brooklyn." Jana put her arm around him "I know I'm worried too, but she's a strong girl. She'll be fine. We've all trained her well." Jana sniffed Paige and Freya. "Rhydian, there are humans over there." She pointed into the trees. Rhydian rounded up the rest of the pack and ran into the south of the forests, where they could still see the camp. Freya walked in, followed by Paige. "Look Paige, it's not just Brooklyn who's a cowardly lion. The whole pack is." Paige turned around to hear growling from the north of the camp. "Freya, look." They both turned around to see two pairs of glowing eyes. Two wolves came into the opening. Freya and Paige jumped at the sight. The wolves started growling, jumping at them. Each movement more frightening for Paige and Freya. They wolves moved closer to them. They both screamed and ran off, while the two wolves howled.

The turned back into human form to reveal Brooklyn and Scarlet. They high fived , while the rest of the pack came back into the opening. Brooklyn said "Well, what have you got to say?" Rhydian put his hand on her shoulder "Im sorry, I can't let you two see each other anymore." Brooklyn replied "Wait, what. We both just saved all of you and you're punishing us?" Rhydian said "It has to be that way." Brooklyn grabbed Scarlet's hand "No. I'm not leaving her. We need each other." Scarlet sighed "He's right." Brooklyn turned to face Scarlet "Brooklyn, I caused all this conflict because of the letter." Brooklyn shook her head "No it's not your fault, it never was. That letter is ours, not me and you plus Rhydian and Jana. I'm not leaving you." Tears filled Brooklyn's eyes. Scarlet grabbed both Brooklyn's hands "This is the way it has to be. I'm sorry, goodbye Brooklyn." Brooklyn burst into tears as she saw her lifelong friend do the same. Brooklyn and Scarlet's foreheads touched "This isn't the end of us. I'll always be there when you need me." Scarlet ran deep into the trees, leaving Brooklyn with the rest of the pack. "This is all your fault." Rhydian replied "Brooklyn, it had to be-" Brooklyn butted in "Save it. You know what? I wish you never came back from Canada." Brooklyn brushed past the rest of the pack and went home. She had enough with this trip. She never felt this upset or angry before. Her whole world was destroyed because of her big brother, who didn't feel like one anymore after that day.

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