Petey Treaty: Dude not cool!

Tree: That hurt thinking about it!

Short Stack: Gee how do you still date me?

Geeeeee Way: You are Frank you have your times when you almost killed us but you are calm sometimes

Spider Gwen: Hey where did Brendon and Ryan go?

Milky Way: Both of them left close to the same time- oh god

Geeeee Way: God damn it Brendon

Tree: Wait what?

Spider Gwen: Oh wow it can take that much

(Y/N/N): You should have seen Brendon at the end of high school

Petey Treaty: Yeah I remember that

Tree: WHAT!

Walking 100 Miles: How do we tell him?

Spider Gwen: When a guy loves and guy or a girl loves and girl or a guy loves a girl they put the hot dog in the bun.


Andy Is Coming: Poor Patrick

King Fro Fro: Nah it could be really bad so yeah.

~Later Later That Night In The Chat~

Bread Bin: Heyyyyyyy I am back

Cheese Wiz: Meeee tooooooooo

Spider Gwen: You guys are back from having sex cool

Petey Treaty: How was your time?

Bread Bin: Fucking amazing

Tree: Do not give details please

King Fro Fro: ^^^

Andy Is Coming: ^^^


Geeeeee Way:^^^

Milky Way:^^^

Petey Treaty: Really guys

(Y/N/N): Yeppers

Tree: Sorry Pete

Milky Way: Pete! Where is the computer charger!

Geeeee Way: Lap Top?

Petey Treaty: Yep I do not know Mikey!


Bread Bin: Hold up

Andy Is Coming: How do you hold some thing up- Oh wait

Tree: Come on Andy

(Y/N/N): God damn it Andy

~ Out of chat with Brendon and Ryan~

"Hold up Ry! I am coming!" I run up the stairs to find Ryan laying on the bed in the same place where I left. His nude body was covered up by blankets and I was in boxers.

"Come lay with me." Ryan turned over to face me.

"Yeah yeah yeah I know," I crawl into bed with Ryan and pull the covers on to my chin. "You know that we are just going to fall asleep right?" I look into Ryan's Brown eyes.

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