"Why are we here?" I asked dad, following him in the entrance. He was looking down at his gun, preparing it and motioning for me to do the same.

"As it turns out, they live in the very back of the cemetery," he muttered, trying to sort himself out. I looked up and around, noticing an empty yard across from the cemetery.

My anger flared when I realised that they had lived closer to us than expected. The closer we walked, the more I saw that were was a whole lot of houses and they were all big. It sort of looked like a little community but one that was rich.

Now I really felt like an idiot because how could someone not see a whole village like place all their life.

Everyone who was talking slowly went quiet as we neared the houses. I looked at dad, not having done an intervention like this before but knew he had done many.

"We all need to split up, as petty as that sounds. The house is basically the equivalent of a castle and we can't go in by ourselves but we can't all go in together. We need people to cover different spots. You need to go in groups of four to five but STAY TOGETHER," he hissed, taking over control of the gang. I didn't mind, though, I had no idea what was happening.

There were about fifty to sixty of us and so forming groups wasn't hard because everyone formed the groups they normally did. Brent, Adam, Connor, and Caleb both came towards me and I nodded.

Just as I was about to walk off, someone tugged on my sleeve. I grunted and turned around, seeing dad.

"Two things, Tristan. Number one is, is you need to keep your cool as soon as you enter that house. And ESPECIALLY if you see Lyric," he said firmly. My eyebrows raised in surprise but, if possible, his raised even further - giving me the infamous dad looked. I sighed, defeated, and nodded my head at him.

"What was the second thing?"

"You don't know where the house is, Trist, you need to follow us," he smirked, shaking his head at my idiotness. I heard my friends laugh behind and I scowled at them. They all cleared their throats, looking everywhere but me.

Dad took off with his group and my group was quick to follow suit. We were all deadly silent as we walked, thankful that it was now concrete instead of leaves.

The more we walked, the more the houses got bigger. I couldn't help but look around, silently wondering if these were 1) bigger than our house and 2) all had gangs inside of them. If so, we were dead meat already.

Dad made sure to take the back way around everywhere so it wouldn't look odd that we were all just carrying guns and looking around on edge.

Finally he stopped in front of this larger-than-a-castle house, our mouths falling open. He rolled his eyes and motioned to us silently towards the guards at the front of the house.

We all nodded our heads, knowing exactly what to do.

I'm coming for you, Lyric, I promise.



Dylan and I were looking at the door expectantly, silent tears falling down our face. I was numb, to say the least. No, literally numb and paralyzed.

Spencer had disappeared and I didn't know where he was. I was scared but I couldn't cry, I couldn't move. I shifted my eyes to Dylan and I could tell she was feeling the same as me. We were both just standing in the exact same position from where Smokey had left us, not being able to move.

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