Mama Donna

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Carmen has been home for a week now and being that she's seventeen now I need to re enroll her back into school. Since she's way back plus if she wants to to graduate this year and not next year. Since the kids lives with Andre Carmen have been going over there to visit more than she's been home I don't know why her hot ass won't just get her damn kids back his custody is temporary not permanent. But then again them being over there is such a good idea. I'm tired of running a daycare center over here. All their asses need to move out. Wait the twins already gone. So its just me and ms. Hot ass. Brian ass finally came around after playing hide and go seek.
Carmen doesn't blame him for shooting her she blames herself for everything. I'm happy she knows everything is her damn fault. As I'm in my bed reading a book in walks ms. Hot ass one and two.
"Hey um is it okay I go see the twins?" She asked.
" what time did you get in last night?" I asked. She turned her head and scratched her neck.
" one a.m" she said.
"Then no. Your are seventeen, about to eighteen. And you're out here acting like your grown. let me remind you you're still a child and Lisa hot asses both are. But yet both of you are teen moms pathetic. You suppose to graduate this year tell me how you going to let that happen I'm listening?" I waited for her to speak.
" its not a problem to make up the work ma but I missed my whole pregnancy, the birth of my kids and half they're first year" she announced.
"Well that sounds like a personal problem. Because you put yourself in the predicament, Nobody but yourself. You took that bullet for your baby daddy like a dumb ass. So don't try to make me feel guilty for your dumb ass mistake" I snapped.
" You ain't got to say it like that she already blames herself" Lisa spoke. For a moment I forgotten she was here to.
"Lisa don't get fucked up, she's my child which the both of you know I'm tired of being disrespected in my home. As long as you're in High school and living with me you will abide by rules" I said.
"Yes, Ma'am" Carmen spoke.
Lisa rolled her eyes before I knew it I slapped the shit out ta her. You're pregnant in the belly not the face as long as you keep disrespecting me I'm going to keep slapping you. Get the hell out of my house. And remember your face nor mouth ain't pregnant. Just like I just slapped the shit out of you in face doesn't mean you mouth and eyes can't get popped to. Now get your pregnant ass out ta my house. Carmen has studying to do." She did as told, As she held her face she left. Carmen followed behind.

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