Mama Donna Drama

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I grabbed my phone and called Trina ass and She picked up on the fourth ring "hello!!Lisa take your ass in your room now and leave my shit alone before I fuck your ass up now!" She shouted at her oldest daughter. I sat on the phone till she finished because its always something with our damn kids. " Hello, Girl I'm Sorry I Almost went to jail" She replied.
"Bitch for what?" I asked.
"Rodney done Brought his sorry asses over here talking about how much he miss me and wanna be with me Right? So you know me I'm letting that shit go into one ear and out the other. Than this nigga going from talking to touching me, bitch when I tell you I slapped that nigga so hard I forgot I Had my baby in here watching TV anyways tell me why this nigga not only brought this bitch to my house but the bitch was sitting in his car over thirty minutes for his ass to come in here to get his kids. This bitch done walked her up into my shit as if it was her shit." Elisabeth Said.
"Oh shit and what did you do?" I asked already knowing.
"I let the Black side of me come out and I tore that bitch ass up forgetting about the kids I tore her ass up so bad that bitch left in an ambulance. Rodney ass got it too that slap wasn't the only thing he gotten that black bald nigga left with a busted Lip, scratches all over his face and a limp because I fucked his ass up. Even though he don't hit woman I fucked his ass up enough so he knows not to!" She said. I busted out laughing so hard that i cried tears. See Elisabeth Is Biracial her Mama Is white and daddy black. From the way she act, walk and she talk she gets it all from her daddy side and a Lil from me. We've been best friends since we were eight. When you seen us you knew it was going to be trouble. I was beating ass back in the day about everything that was mines especially my Baby Daddies. I was off the chain nobody could tell me nothing. My mama was barely home and when she was home she still couldn't Handle me the only nigga I feared was my daddy but that shit ended on my sixteenth birthday when he was gunned down in front me over a few bucks. That shit made me even more ruthless.
"Hello bitch are you still there?" Trina asked.
"My Bad Bitch shit your ass always in some shit because of Rodney ass. Wait why the hell you still married to his ass anyways that's probably why he keep coming back?"I Asked.
"Because his ass don't wanna sign the divorce papers but yet his ass wanna keep sleeping around with these random bitches and thinking he going to come here and pass on what them nasty Bitches passed on to him!" She said.
"Yeah that nigga got you all fucked up messing around with me that nigga would've left in the ambulance with her ass!" I Said.
"Girl I've tried" Trina replied.

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