Spending time for more than 2 hours they eat and drink while talking about their high school days and when it comes to Sehun part, Hayoung silent..
Hyunsik: are you okay? I'm sorry if I'd say wrong to you.
Hayoung: I'm fine..don't be sorry okay?
Hyunsik: okay..(take something from his pocket) can I say something?
Hayoung: yea..why you suddenly sound serious?
Hyunsik: serious? Owhh..sorry maybe I'm a bit nervous. Hayoung-ah..
Hayoung: yes?
Hyunsik: will you marry me? (Open the ring box and show it to Hayoung).

Hayoung felt surprise and don't know how to react to Hyunsik proposal, she look at his face it was full of hope and hoping that she will give the good news to him. In fact deep inside her heart she has no feelings to Hyunsik anymore other than just old friend from high school. She is not happy, not excited and feels not right with the proposal and at the same time feel pity to Hyunsik.
Hyunsik: Hayoung-ah..I'm waiting for your answer..
Hayoung: Hyunsik-ah..I'm sorry..this is out from my expectation. I'm not ready, I love you before but it was long time ago. Now, my feelings for you just like friends and not more than that. I'm sorry.
Hyunsik: you don't have any feelings for me anymore?
Hayoung: no..sorry.
Hyunsik: (close the ring box and put it on the table, he looks very upset) you still love him?
Hayoung: we're already divorced Hyunsik-ah..I don't have anything to do with him anymore. Sometimes you gotta accept the fact that between us certain things will never go back to how they used to be.
Hyunsik: you didn't answer my question, do you still love him?
Hayoung: I already explained it to you Hyunsik-ah, don't try to open up my old story with him again.
Hyunsik: hurm..I guess you still like him, well I'm not surprise at all (shows his unsatisfied facial expression).
Hayoung: yah..
Hyunsik: did you ever think wanted to give me second chance? Huh..??
Hayoung: there's so many things that happened to me for this past 1 year, I'm tired. I need to rest my mind and my body, having another relationship is not in my list for now. I hope you understand with my situation.
Hyunsik: what if one day he'll come back to you and he ask you to marry him again, will you agree?
Hayoung: (silent)
Hyunsik: will you?! (Started to get angry)
Hayoung: Hyunsik-yah! I don't know how to answer your question and I don't know what will happen to me in the future, okay!
Hyunsik: don't pretend Hayoung-ah..just be honest with me, you don't know how to answer my question because deep inside your heart he is still there, holding your broken heart. You feel regret leaving him right? You wait for the right time to get back together with him.
Hayoung: shut up Hyunsik! You make me angry!
Hyunsik: okay..okay..I'm sorry, my bad.
Hayoung: regrets or not, love him or not it's my life! You don't have a right to know or make a decision for me, got that!
Hyunsik: I'm sorry I didn't know you will get upset like this.
Hayoung: I want to go home now.
Hyunsik: okay.. I send you home.

Hyunsik pay the bills and send Hayoung home, the dinner was ruined by him who is digging the old story of Hayoung and Sehun. She open the door and rushed go to her room, she lock it. Chorong and Suho paused in a second when they both saw Hayoung act like that. Chorong wanted to go and knock her room but stop by Suho.
Suho: baby don't, not now. Give her a time of her own, talk with her tomorrow morning okay?
Chorong: okay..

Surong's Residents
Inside the room Hayoung laying down on the bed, she cries and scream so much but cover it with the pillow. She don't want Chorong and Suho to hear her loud voice or feel worried with her. Think back of what Hyunsik asked her earlier, she can't help but questioned back to herself all over again..
Hayoung: did I make a mistake letting him go? Did I? Why I can't answer his question about not loving him? I feel angry all of sudden for not able to say I don't love him anymore, maybe I still love him but..he's gone and walk away from me because I asked him too..what happened to me? No..we already divorced months ago and I have nothing to do with him, we were way over. In fact he also must be forgotten about me..I can feel it..

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