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"Okay guys just to get started with the meet in greet I thought I'd do a little meet and greet of my own for you guys" Lauren said said as the crowd went wild. Her meet and greets were always packed she wasn't sure why she's not that interesting.

"These are my very close friends and I'd like for you guys to welcome them as they join me on stage for Q&A. Normani y'all already know her, Camila, Dinah Jane, and Ally" she said into the mic allowing the 4 stunning girls to make their way on stage. The crowd went crazy screaming Normani's name and gasping at the other 3 girls beautiful screaming out 'you guys are so cute' 'oh my gosh she's so tiny' and etc.

"Okay let's get this shit started" Lauren said as the all took their seats Lauren was in the middle. It was Normani, Dinah, Lauren, Camila and then ally.

"Hi I'm Vayler and my question is for all of you guys, and I'd like to know how you met."

"Well I'm sure you all know me and Normani have been Bestfriend's since birth but we recently met Camila at a party and we instantly got of off exchanging numbers then she introduced us to Dinah and Ally. They didn't know were we famous it was kind of funny but not really" Lauren said making up a lie on the spot.

"Umm..hi Lauren I love you, I wanted to ask if ever since you came out have you been treated any different. I want to come out but I'm afraid people will see me differently"

"Well actually no not personally but we must note that people will see us differently because of bigotry sometimes and that's okay because we can fight back ten times harder then the small pea brain of a close minded bigot" Lauren answered looking over to Camila as she got up and whispered something in Dinah's ear.

Dinah pulled back and searched the crowd, eyes widening and whispered something back. Camila started fiddling with her fingers and she looked scared. Lauren pulled the mic away from her "camz you okay" she whispered into the girls ear. Camila slightly nodded and went back to her seat.

"Hi I'm Taylor and my question is for Camila, you look like you give good advice" the girl said smiling widely. Camila picked up her mic and clears her throat.

"I've been told that I guess" Camila said.

"Well recently I've been texting an old girlfriend of mine apologizing for some mistakes I've made and I wanted to know how can I truly let her know I'm sorry seeing as she won't text me back"

"Sometimes depending on the mistake you made it's better to let that person know you're sorry if they don't forgive you it's best to move on I'm sure she's moved on" Camila said.

"I'm sure she hasn't" Taylor said with a smirk.

"I'm sure she has" Dinah said into her mic. "If she isn't texting you back it means something how long ago was your mistake?"

"Around 6 months" taylor answered.

"So you have not been in contact with her for 6 months and when you text her 6 months later you expect her to come running back to your arms?" Ally asked.

"Well yes" Taylor said making the crowd grunt is displeasure. A least the crowd agreed with them.

"That not how it works Taylor I'm sorry" Camila said. "Next question please"

A/N hi Lauren will find the thing Camila bought but no time soon

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