Odysseus In Live Action

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Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue


Break-ups suck. It was a known fact. Three piddly days ago, Marinette was dumped by a man she thought was going to propose to her. "Immature my butt. I'm plenty mature," she mumbled to herself. Rolling over in bed, taking her cocooned quilts with her, the girl's eyes widened. Talking to oneself was a sure fire sign of losing it. She had to get out of the house before the yellow wallpaper had the chance to talk to her.

Marinette decided to shower. Her hygiene had been severely lacking over the past several days. Snapping herself out of her numbed state of mind, she clothed herself in a pretty, floral dress and applied a game changing coat of makeup, and headed out the front door. Her small heeled boots clacked on the uneven pavement as she strolled around downtown. The purse the hung over her shoulder tapped her hip as she strutted.

On the whim of an adrenaline swollen second, Marinette decided to drop by her ex's place of business, wanting him to see all of the maturity he was missing out on. When she stalked into the men's suit shop, she spotted the shock of bright red hair, a navy suit wrapping his body. "Excuse me, Miss. What can I help you with?"

Her attention was pulled toward another salesman. She gave a closed lipped smile. "Sorry, but my business isn't with you. It's with Cherry Hair over there," she pointed in his direction discreetly. "Ah. You must be the ex girlfriend. Take my advice when I say to let it go. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but maybe it's better left alone.

"Instead, find a way to relax. There's a cinema just a few fronts down. Go see a movie and take your mind off of things."

Marinette was offended, but heeded his advice and clanked her way out. "See a movie, you'll feel better! Yeah right. More like spend a bunch of money and sit still for two hours," the dark haired girl mocked. More over, she was still talking to herself. Doing anything to stop the annoying and worrying habit, she bought a ticket to the first screening Marinette saw.

Rushing into the theatre, she sat down in the cushy chair. Her tastebuds longed for Junior Mints and a Coca-Cola slushee. Drowning her sorrows in sugary foods sounded soothing. The girl left her handbag in her previously occupied chair, grabbing her wallet and headed to the concessions.

The girl may have gone a smidgen overboard, instead purchasing popcorn, soda, a candy bar and cotton candy. And she intended to eat it all, forcing her stomach to consist of sturdy iron. Marinette adjusted herself with all of her snackage, just in the nick of time for the lights to darken. There were a small handful of other people in the same theatre, all evenly spaced out.

Commercials and sneak previews of other upcoming movies played, boring Marinette to pieces. She rolled her bright blue eyes, munching on the extremely buttery popcorn. Eating greedily, she sighed at herself for picking an action flick to watch. It was Marinette's least favorite genre of them all. It was a heavily befuddling plot, stating in the middle of things, before going back and explaining the evens that lead up to the opening. The sugar and salt were starting to buzz around in the girl's brain.

Distracting herself, Marinette focused on the sexy male lead. He was blonde, gorgeous and had the most glittery emerald eyes. There was one scene where he was spottily covered in dirt and muck, only making him look that much more attractive. She breathed dreamily, allowing her mind to drift off. Imagining Odysseus asking her out and whisking her off into the sunset to his Kingdom that he had just finished winning back.

Her hand rested on her cheek. The blonde boy was in the middle of a tension filled sword battle with a cyclops. His rigid muscles proved to be toned as they were put to the test. "So cute," Marinette whispered lowly. "What was that?" Odysseus asked on the screen. He turned to face the audience, almost like he was staring into her soul. "You there, in the flowers. Whatever did you mumble?" he questioned. Shocked, she pointed to herself. "M-Me?"

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