Kindess From A Cat

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Twisted - Wild Belle


"Gosh dangnabit all to the depths of the forbidden Seventh Layer of crusty hell," Ladybug cursed, upset and in pain from sticking herself accidentally in the pad of her pointer finger with a sharp sewing needle.

"That's quite the swear, M'Lady."

"Cool it, Chat. I'm not dealing with your dumb flirting or pestering today. I need focus and concentration and-"

"What's that you're making?" Chat Noir asked. The two were perched on a rooftop that overlooked the Eastern part of downtown. Chat, who had just arrived on the scene, moved to sit beside the heroine who was furiously swinging her feet about freely, despite the twenty story skyscraper they used as a ginormous chair. Ladybug turned to face the boy, destructive glare in tow.

"I thought that cats had better hearing than most people, but I guess not every biscuit gets buttered at the picnic." She turned her attention back to her working project. In her normal, citizen of Paris life, she was taking a few designing extracurriculars. Marinette's evening wear prototype was due bright and early during first period tomorrow. A certain task of saving the city kind of intercepted and ate up most of the girl's spare time.

"Since when were you so frisky?" he asked, wondering where her rotten attitude was coming from. "Sorry about 'cha, but I need to get this piece done. So, I need you to zippity do da day it all the way back to Rue Vieille Du Temple, understand?!"

By this point, Ladybug was stress panting. It was too much, much too much for her to handle all by herself. Her outburst was a last resort cry for help. The lady in spots was drowning and she needed a life preserver stat.

"Ladybug, is everything okay?"

Defeated, she sighed in her hands, mad at herself for taking her frustrations out on the innocent Alley Cat. With her gloved fingers still covering her face, Ladybug shook her head no. Chat Noir reached out, touching her shoulder. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Ladybug moved her hands, sticking her arms out wide. Her face morphed into one showcasing embarrassment and innocence. She looked like a small child who just needed a good, solid hug. Giving into her silent request, he wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her lower back. Chat Noir continued to envelope her, gracing her with stress relieving comfort. Ladybug sighed, burrowing her forehead in his neck. He leant down, kissing the crown of her head multiple times, with a slow, relaxed pace.

The scent of faded cologne and pure sunshine wafted its way to the girl's nose. "I can't do it anymore, Chat."

He put his arms on her shoulders again, pushing her backward to get a good look at her. "What?" Chat Noir asked. "It's too hard. I feel like I'm juggling school, homework, family time, my friends, being a super hero and time to myself. The latter seems to be diminishing as we speak. Do even want to know the last time I painted my toenails, lit a candle or even put on one of those sheet facial masks that take ten minutes?" Ladybug was getting all worked up again. Tears started to collect in the pockets of her lower eyelids.

"Bugaboo, breathe please. Trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about. I have my own pressures, too. You wanna know what helps me?" She sadly shook her head. "Tuesday nights." The girl grew a confused expression on her face. "Want to know why?" Amply, Ladybug nodded. "Half price frozen yogurt."

Through her tears, she giggled the sweetest laugh he had ever heard. "For real?" "Don't joke! I have a strict diet I have to follow so it's the one time I can cheat and not feel too badly afterwards."

Miraculous Ladybug: One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ