You ladies hungry! {17}

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NOTE: Not Edited


"How long has it been?" A mans voice whispered in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders, I couldn't tell if it was day or night, this cell was in a basement and was really screwing with my sense of time.
It also doesn't help that no one had come to feed us in a while, I would literally eat anything at this point. Anything.
  I looked up at the man who was staying in the cell next to me, he seemed to be in his mid- thirty's, he looked tremendously ill. He was definetly underweight, pale as a ghost with long-ish black hair.
"What brought you here?" I asked, intrigued by how  he got stuck with negan and his crew.

The man paused for a dramatic minute then answered, "I was captured long before you arrived, well. It felt like it was long before you arrived. I don't know what day it is, or what the hell is going on outside of these walls. The last thing I remember seeing, was one of those 'beings'" he put air quotes with his fingers for the word beings, then let out a huge sigh.
"The being was my wife. I don't know what was going on but she didn't seem like herself." His head and eyes drooped down to the floor.

"I'm sorry about that," I stated. "I'm also sorry I asked, I didn't mean to make you feel this way."

"No, no, your fine. I have to talk about it at some point. I just, I need answers." He said in between sniffles and a small sad smirk.

Loud steel footsteps started coming down the stairs, startling me from my comfortable sitting position into the fetal position, scared of what may happen to us.
Pretty soon the chubby man who was named Marcel came in sight with two plates of food.
When they did feed us, it would only contain bread and water, but it looked like a thanksgiving dinner was sitting on top of our plates this time!
    My stomach gasped with delight as it started growling for the food, quickly I stood up from my fetal position and stood at the door of the cell, excited to finally be eating something other than bread!

"You ladies hungry?!" Marcel squealed with delight.
I nodded my head intensely as the food approached my door.
I stuck out my hands impatiently to grab the plate but at the last second it was pulled away from my grasp.

"Not so fast there pretty thang, I have a question for ya." His eyes smirked with an evil grin. "Who are you?"

Not this again. I'm being torchered and forced to tell these people that 'I'm Negan'. But I'm not going down that easy.
I glared at him hard before crossing my arms over one another and taking a seat in the corner of my cell.

"I'm Aubree." I stated clearly.

"Ouch, someone doesn't want to eat. How about you Daniel, would you like to eat?" He inched the food towards my prison mates cell.

"If you say what I want you to say, you'll be freed from this prison, and I'll throw in Aubrees plate of food along with yours." He chuckled a bit at that last part.
Apparently he thought he was a comedian. I rolled my eyes but ignored the situation in front of me. My stomach couldn't handle the hunger pains anymore, the smell of the chicken lingered in the air and I couldn't take looking in the direction of the delicious food in my presence.

"I'm negan." I heard the man whisper out. "I'm negan."
   His chubby eyes filled with glee, "That's it! That's all you had to announce. Now let's go see negan himself! Let him know the good, and bad news." He said as he glared towards my cell door, shaking his head in dis-satisfaction.
Marcel opened my prisoner partners cell door and handed him not one but two plates of delicious food, putting an arm over Daniels shoulders as he ripped into the chicken leg, he smirked at me.
"Let's go get you up those stairs!" Marcel insisted way to energetically.

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