14. Im weak.

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Jungkooks  p.o.v.

It's been 2 days since i was brought here.
My arms and legs felt so weak. These guys were more dangerous then antis. These were monsters.
Every now and then, they untied me so i could eat a lil, and drink.
But, they slapped, punched and kicked me everyday.
I was under the bruises.. i had pain everywhere.
I just hope my hyungs find me. And fast ! I don't know how long i can take this anymore, this is too much.
"Hey There prettyboy" the leader said. His name was apperently YoHae. And he was the one that attacked me and Yoongi-hyung the other time. This one was responsable for this.
"Tsk tsk tsk.. You don't look well" he smirked.
In these two days, i came to know what he wanted from me.
He wanted to bring BTS down. And make money out of me.
"Aish .. you have to look at ur best Prettyboy," he continued.
"Otherwise she won't take you"
She ?... Wait .. Were they going to sell me ?!
"I DON'T WANT TO !" i screamed, But i allready regretted it.
He took my chin to face me and slapped me on my cheek.
Ah .. it hurts.
"Pff... Ya idols only think of looks and make up, be a man for gods sake. You're so pathetic"
I felt like crying, why ?! What did i do to deserve this ?!
"Well Its time to go." He looked at my chest.
He did that a lot lately.
As if he looked if i was good enough to sell. Ah Wae ?!
"Seems she would be pleased..."
He said when he placed his hand on my chest. I shivered at the touch. This wasn't how my hyungs did.
I remember Jin-hyung stroking my abs saying "did u eat Kookie?"
But that was diffrent.
I remember Tae-hyung tickling at a little spot on my ear. When he does that, i can't hold back my smile.
But that was diffrent.
I also... Remember.. Yoongi's lips, on mine..
That was heaven. For some reason, i felt so good..
But now ? Now they Will sell me to someone who Will only be wanting me for my body.
The touches of my hyungs, were soft and pleasing. Not hurtfull.
Ah ! Please tell me what to do !! I need you hyungs !! Please !!
The Guy untied my legs and wrists.
But he held me in his grip so i couldn't run away. Damn !
He covered my mouth with his hand.
"Don't you dare to make a sound Prettyboy.. or u'll die"
I only nodded, i knew i was helpless against this guy.. im weak.

The guy took Jungkook to a car and threw him inside.
"And if you dare to make any noise We'll kill you understood ?!"
He shouted at him.
Jungkook was so terified. What would happen to him ?
Will he ever be able to get out to his hyungs again ?

Jimins  p.o.v.

I grabbed my Hair and shouted at Jin-hyung.
"Kookie has been missing for 3 days now hyung ! How can't i worry about him ?!"
I didn't ever shout at my members, But now i did.
"Jiminie .. i know, But we can't find him if we leade ourselves with pure blind hate and anger" Hyung replied to my rage.
Normally, Jin-hyung jokes arround a lot.
But now he was so serious and cold.
Well done Park Jimin, you made the most silly hyung turn as cold as a stone. Well done you stupid.
"Im sorry hyung .. i-" he grabbed my shoulders and looked!e in the eyes. His gaze was friendly, that's what we love about him.
"Jiminie, let's just do our best to find Kookie. We can do that."
Hyung was right, we needed to be strong for Jungkookie.
And save him !

But what when were tool late and Jungkookie .. is no more ?'''

Hi hi~ ye this one was a bit ... Bleh. But i'll Romy best to make more chapters soon~

Bye bye~•^•

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