2. What is wrong ?

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Taehyung saw the maknae falling and runned to him.
"Jungkookie ! Jungkook ! Wake up ! What's wrong !?" The other members rushed towards them too. Jimin placed his hand on Jungkooks forehead. His eyes went big.
"H-he's burning up." He said .. shivering.
"We need to call an ambulance ! Fast !" Yoongi demanded.
Jin called the hospital and then their manager.
Hoseok looked at Jungkook. Lying there with a sweaty forehead and looking like he has a lot of pain. What was wrong with him ?
Jin spoke with a sad voice. "The ambulance is coming. The doctor told me to lay his head on something soft"
"But what ? We don't have something soft here." Namjoon said.
"He can lay his head on my lap. That's soft enough." Jimin said. He always worried about the Maknae. And the members of Bts Have a lot of skinship so they don't mind touching eachother.
"Okay then." Was Jins only reply.
Jimin took the Maknae's head and layed it on his lap. Slowly stroking his hair. And Jungkook seemed to calm by the slight touches.

Jungkooks  p.o.v.

I kept running. I don't know where to. I don't care where to.
Suddenly i stand in front of a big building. An old building.
A guy standing in front of me. When did he came here ?
The guy came closer to me. What does he want ?
I wanted to move away from him. But i couldn't move.
I saw the guy holding a knife in his hand.
Oh no ! He's going to kill me ! Isn't he ?!
The guy leaned over to him and wisphered.
"You will die Jungkook .... Jungkook ... Jungkook."

"Jungkook .. Jungkook ... Jungkook !"
Tae-hyung shouted my name as i woke up. The light hurted my eyes.
When i got used to the brightness of the room i looked arround to see my hyungs standing in front of me. Jimin-hyung and
Tae-hyung didn't hesitated and hugged me.
"Where ... Where am i ?"
I asked. My voice .. it sounds so fragile all of the sudden.
"You collapsed during practice. And you seemed like you had a lot of pain." Hoseok replied. "So ur in the hospital now" Tae-hyung and Jimin-Hyung let go of me. But i didn't want them, so i pulled them back.
"Jungkook ? Is something wrong ? .." Jimin-hyung asked.
"I ... I need a hug now .." i said. Even tho i don't hug much, i needed some comfort.
Was it because of the headaches ? My head didn't hurt now. But im sure it will come back.
"He Will be able to go. It was a little breakdown. He will be all okay. He just needs to rest a little and take it easy." The doctor said shortly. Was it a breakdown..? hm .. can be.
"So .. can he come home with us ?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes he can.. he will have to rest and eat well today. That's all"
Im still not sure. But i don't want the Hyungs to worry. So i kept silent.
The doctor left the room together with my hyungs exept
Hoseok-hyung and Yoongi-hyung​.
"Let's get ready for leaving." Hobi-hyung said smiling.
That smile of his, It's so Bright. I nodded.
I looked at Yoongi-hyung. He and Hobi-hyung were the oppside of eachother. But i love them equally.
Yoongi-hyung gave me my clothes. I just wanted to get this stupid White hospital clothes of.
"If u need us, we'll be outside." Yoongi-hyung said.
"Okay hyungs" i replied. I tried to sound happy ..but i failed.

Jungkook finished dressing himself. His plain White shirt, black ripped jeans and his good old Timberlands.
He felt good in these clothes. It made him feel likes nothings wrong. How it should be. He stood up to leave the room.
But then he heard a voice. In his head, whispering:
"You will die..." His legs went weak again. Befors he knew it, he fell on the ground. He growled in pain. His head began to hurt more and more. He couldn't stand the pain. He tried to call his hyungs he needed them right now.
"H... H..hyung !.. HYUNGS ! ..I-I need you .. HELP ME !"
Seems like someone heard him because suddenly the door opened. But it wasn't one of his hyungs. It was a man dressed in black. With a cap hiding his face.
Jungkook tried to stand up. But he couldn't.. the pain made him weak. The man laughed. "Ur beautifull u know?"
What was het talking about ? .. Jungkook suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head and shouted in pain. Well ... At least he tried to, But the man covered his mouth.
"Shut up ! U will make them hear us."
Um .. that was Jungkooks goal. Making his hyungs hear him.
"Ur coming with me prettyboy."
Wait what ?!. Jungkook ignored the pain. He stood up and started screaming for help.
"HYUNGS ! HELP ! ... H-HELP ME ! H-hmpft.."
Again the man covered his mouth. And with his strong Army he pinned him on the ground.
"HELP ! .. HYUNGS !"
Then someone else came into the room. It were Jimin and Yoongi.
"What the hell u think ur doing ?!" Yoongi shouted.
The man cursed in himself, got up and runned out of the room. Yoongi got afther him. While Jimin rushed over to Jungkook.
"Jungkook ! Oh Jungkookie.. Are u okay ?" Jimin almost cried.
Jungkook cried allready.. why was all this happening. He wasn't the type that cried a lot. But now he couldn't stop the tears from falling. This wasn't what it used to be.
What's with this Dream.. the man.. and his headaches..?
He didn't know. And again he lost conciousness and fell asleep in Jimins arms.

Hi hi~ hope u enjoyed this too~
(Please forgive me Jungkook 🙏🙏 i love u!)

This isn't what Sasaengs do tho... But i needed to make some action.
See u in the next chapter.😘💕💝

Bye bye~

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