And so, the battle had already begun. 

It was the kind of blurry caused due to order in chaos. We weren't sure of what was happening, but we knew each other's moves, and we moved in accordance to that. Seeing as I wasn't too keen on wasting ammunition when I didn't quite need it yet, I stuck to my blades and physical combat despite not being in the most ideal condition to take a hit.

The strategy was defend and counter-attack. It was too risky to straight up attack so, we moved back towards where Aerofire shouted Ragnald was supposed to be and did what we could to keep that our direction of movement. 

Sky slid down the hallway on her knees, dodging an array of bullets at flaming projectiles to finally arrive beside me, already up on her feet. 

"Hey there, rockstar," I grunted, stabbing through the thick material of my opponent's clothing and quickly jabbing my fist into his jugular, knocking him out swiftly so that I could focus my attention on Sky instead. 

She nodded, pushing back strands of her golden hair and surveying the scene. "I was thinking we could do move 23?" she suggested, looking at me for my consent which I gave with a grin and a nod. Momentarily, my grief had been abandoned in favor of the thrill of the fight while I was consciously engaged in it unlike earlier. 

With a practiced ease, Sky cupped her hands for me to place my foot before giving me a boost into the air, enough for me to flip and increase the distance covered, and then land feet first on some unsuspecting soldier, successfully taking him down. Running towards me full speed, Sky extended her arms for me to grip her hands and give her a lift as well, thanks to which she managed to kick three soldiers in the face under one go before landing right beside me.

In all honesty, I had missed fighting like that alongside my best friend. It felt good to still have that bond where we could finish each other's attacks without a word exchanged between either of us. 

Once the number of attackers had dropped considerably, the whole team had wordlessly decided to abandon the scene and continue in the direction of wherever Ragnald was. 

"It's in a laboratory," Aerofire informed, slightly out of breath as we zipped down the corridors, swiftly taking out any soldier we ran into on the way. Ususally, it was a fireball or a chunk of the wall that did the trick before we had to so much as move a muscle to engage in combat.

Even though not having powers had reminded me that I didn't need them, I missed just how handy they were. 

As we got closer to our destination, I found that I didn't require Aerofire's directions. The minimal energy left in my core was making its presence known more prominently than it had since we had lost our powers. I could feel it swirling within me, struggling against its restraints as we got closer to its remanents as though the energy was trying to combine despite the many obstacles in its way.

It acted like fuel, and I was running faster to get to where the magic was leading me in its yearning to be complete. It was as though Ragnald was the moon and I was the water- helpless against its gravity. 

I can't say if it was what the others felt as well. Perhaps Eve and Sky because they, too, channeled energy, but Ollie and Noah? I don't know. 

As we came to a stop in front of the typical tall metal doors, I took a moment to look around at the extended team whilst trying to catch my breath. My gaze landed on a red faced Jordan and an undeniable surge of affection and gratefulness filled me. 

The guy wasn't related to any of us, nor was he our guardian. Still, he was here. Tired, injured, and struggling to breathe, but he was present and he wasn't complaining. 

Elite: RagnaldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя