Fed Up

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Ryan's POV

I walk into the house, Jay, Kaleb and Scarlet were at the table, Scarlet looked back at me, she seemed distraught, I sat down next to her.

"Is everything okay?" I question something was up

"Nicole... I saw her. I heard her," Scarlet answered

"No Nicole left, she is not here," Jay announced, I know he felt strongly for her, I don't think he wants to believe what is happening

"It was just your imagination Scarlet" Kaleb sighed

"No! I know it was she! She was running out of my backyard with some guy!" she shouted, I knew it was real but I promised not to tell

"Just don't worry about it babe. If it was her she will come when she is ready" I pulled her into a hug "go into the lounge for a bit, I need to talk to Jay and Kaleb" she nods and walks into the lounge

"She couldn't have seen her, why would she just leave and not contact us for 2 months then be spotted in her best friend's backyard?" Jay questions

"Maybe it's still not safe and she needed something form Scarlet without actually talking to her" I suggest

"She wouldn't do something like this. I don't want to believe it," Kaleb informed

"Nicole will come back when she is ready... when it's safe" I could see the Jay was on the verge of breaking into tears, he got up and walked off, Kaleb just sat there in silence, I left him to be and joined Scarlet in the lounge

Jay's POV

I walk into my room and sat on my bed, head in hands as a tear rolled down my cheek

No, I can't cry!

I whipped it away and fought back any other tears threatening to spill out

I promised myself that I would never care for anyone the way I do Nicole... I care for her more than a friend... more than a sister... I can't let this happen!

I lay flat on my back and stared blankly at the plain white celling in my dark room.

Kaleb's POV

I was left by myself in the kitchen to my though

Nicole wouldn't do something like this.

I don't want to believe she would.

There is on point dwelling on this it will only make matters worse.

She left and I can't do anything about it, she will come when she is ready.

*one week later*

Nicole's POV

Since I stood up to Alpha he has made it so I can't leave without Gunner or Strike- the 2 biggest flirts and most annoying guys in the gang. He is probably afraid that I might stand up to him again but it is unfair and annoying as all heck and frankly, I was fed up. I was on the couch with Gunner and Strike either side of me- I have no clue why it's just where they sat. Alpha came down probably to send someone to do his dirty work; he wasn't doing the right thing. I just hate him.

"Gunner, Scar, Strike food duty" he announce, the 3 of us stood up, I was standing for a different reason

"It's your turn Alpha. We all know it," I state stopping Gunner and Strike in their tracks

"You 3 are taking my turn" he retorted

"No one is taking your turn except you," I told my arms over my chest "you need to stop this and be a proper leader. You need to earn you title not use it"

"What do you think you're doing?" he question stepping closer to me "what should have been done a long time ago; you don't deserve the title of leader" I step in front of Gunner and Strike only 2 steps away from Alpha

"Yet I still have the title. Why do you think that is?" he taunted

"Your feared for some unknown reason" I inform

"What about you?" he took a step closer

"I never wanted to be leader but you have been treating me like trash and have no decency. But I'm fed up with your crap" I stepped so we were only inches apart

"What are you going to?" he questioned making the space between us small

"Alpha I challenge you for the position of leader" I unfold my arms

"You what?" he seemed furious, I pushed him back

"I challenge you for position of leader!" I shout kicking his stomach, he grabbed my hair and pulled it spinning me around so my back was on his chest, he lost grip of my hair when I kicked him where the sun do not shine. He pulled out his knife, threw it into my side, and slowly pulled it out, I punched him with an upper cut to break his nose, it started bleeding. I grabbed his arm turning him around and pulling his elbow upwards his fist by his shoulder, he started hunching over, I pulled my knife out of my back pocket and held it to his through.

"you've been beaten by a girl" I whispered in his ear before moving my knife lover and cutting his collar bone letting go of him as he fell to his knees

"We have a new leader!" Ryder cheers, Alpha looked up at me there was something in his eyes I just couldn't tell what

"What do you want us to do with him?" Gunner questioned pointing at Alpha

"Get him cleaned up, he is welcome to stay" I held out my hand, he took it and gave me a small smile, I returned the gesture

"Thank you," he mumbled, I nod

"I think it's time you became an official member of the gang" Ryder turned around moving his shirt of his shoulder showing me the tattoo of his name on the back of his shoulder

"We all have one" Gunner showed me his above the line of his pants on his back, I looked around to see others showing me their tattoos all the same font and colour.

"This is my job, let's go" Strike walks up to me and started leading me off, I stopped and turned back

"Ryder, Gunner would you mind getting food?" I question, they shake their head and head off. I got my name tattoo on my collarbone; the left side. I liked it, I could hid it or show it easy, it didn't hurt much either.

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