Run Away Run In

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It has been 2 months since Nicole has left, she is now a part of a gang and lives with them in an abandon factory. Alexia and Alec have found it hard, they usually only fall asleep with Jay, Kaleb and Ryan in the room, they walk them to school each day and pick them up. Nathan has been trying to find her and has refrained form telling Lucinda too much, he wants to hind her, the whole family has been affected by this, even though Nicole isn't his daughter it feels like she is. Wyatt and Scarlet know what the twins know; she left without reason for who knows how long. Nicole's dad has been on and off her trail; he has come close to finding her but never successes.

Nicole's POV

I want to see the twins again, but I have to hide

"Scar!" Ryder got my attention, it was only him and I in the main area, I was laying on an old couch with a blanked over it

"Yea?" I turn to face him

"What ya thinking about?" he questioned

"I just want to see the twins again but I have to stay hiding" I sigh, Ryder knew the most about my situation but no one knew the whole thing

"You can see them but just not as you," he informs

"What do you mean?" I question

"Wear something different, style your hair in a different way and change you name, act different and see them you could also see the triplets" he explained

"That's actually a great idea," I mumble, "wanna come with me to sneak into a friend's house?" I question, "She is a school and I can get through her window," I add

"Sounds like fun" we both stand up, I get my now empty bag as we head out, people just left as they pleased. We made it to Scarlet's house; I guided Ryder around the back and climbed up a tree. "Is this a good idea?" Ryder questions hugging the trunk

"It's fine" I wave him off and go out further on the branch, I jump and grab ono the window seal opening the window and climbing in. I go to her closet and get a whit skirt, a button up shirt, floral slip on shoe and shoved the in my bag climbing back out. "I told you it would be fine" Scarlets door opened and she walked in, I rushed to pull Ryder to be mainly hidden behind the trunk

"It's only 1 what is she doing?" he question

"Open day, they finish at one" I crouched done "carful climb down" he followed above me stepping where I stepped to get downstairs. we were right near the bottom, Scarlet came out the door, we couldn't hid "shit" I cursed under my breath, I looked up and saw a clear path to the gate, it was our best bet, Scarlet was shutting the door "jump and run" I said before jumping down and bolting for the gate

"What the hell!" Ryder yelled

"Just run!" I yelled back

"Nicole? Nicole wait!" Scarlet shouted, I kept running hoping Ryder was behind me

"Scar slow down!" Ryder yelled, I was only a couple house down as I kept sprinting, mi looked back to see Ryder about 10 meters behind me, I crash into something hard but was held up. I looked up to see Ryan with a look of shock on his face, tears form in my eyes

"You never saw me!" I shout before ripping out of his grasp and running across the road, tears fell down my face, I run across a field until I collapsed, Ryder came in front of me tears streaming own my face "Ryder I can't" manage to blurt out

"Scar who they are?" he questions

"My friend Scarlet and the youngest of the triplets Ryan" I answer "seeing them, I can't do it, I can't just see them and leave them again"

"Nicole!" Ryan's voice shouts from a distance, I look up at Ryder, I couldn't look at Ryan... seeing him for the second was hard enough and his voice just made it harder. I flung my arms around Ryder's neck hugging him sobbing into his neck, he hugged me back. "Nicole... it's been 2 months. Talk to me"

"I-I can't" I cry into Ryders neck

"Nicole we all miss you, we want you back... Alexey and Alec... they can't sleep without Jay, Kaleb and I in the room... dad won't stop looking for you... we have to lie to Scarlet and the twins..." he had more to say but I stopped him

"Ryan I can't it's not safe, it has to stay this way" I force myself to stand up, Ryder joins me "don't tell them you saw me, please" I can't face him

"Fine, please come back soon"

"Thank you" with that I walk off with Ryder, Ryan going the other way

"This is safe with me" he puts his arm around my shoulder comforting me. Ryder was my best friend, I may be the fastest and strongest in the gang but I am the only girl so moments like this don't go well, they only excepted me because I beat the leader -se says he was going easy on me but how knows. It's also really annoying because I get barley any privacy, we have to share bathrooms which mean the showers and gross and the toilet seat is constantly up but I thank them for giving me a home.

"Ryder do you mind if we just walk for a bit?" I questioned

"Not at all, I like it out here" he smiled; we started walking nowhere in particular just following our feet.


When we got back, I put my bag back in my room well... a small room with 2 bed and a set of draws, Ryder and I shared. I went back out into the main area and laid down on the couch closing my eyes resting. After a while, someone's figure glides across my jaw line, I open my eye and hanging their head above mine was Gunner- the most persistent

"Your awake baby doll" he smirks

"I am now leave me alone and stop giving me nicknames," I demand

"Scar!" Alpha's voice booms through the factory from the top of the stairs -Alpha is what we call the leader. I shoot up hitting my head against Gunner's; I ignore the pain for the contact with his thick skull. "Your turn to get the food!" he yells

"No it's not! I got the food last week!" I shout mainly so he could hear me

"Scar! Get food!" he was angry

"No! I won't!" I shout back at him annoyed

"Do you dare refuse your leader?!" he was obesely pissed

"Alpha I refuse!" I shouted getting my point across; I stood up as he walk down the stairs

"Gunner get the food," he instructed

"Yes sir" Gunner said before leaving, Alpha lifted my chin with his figure

"So pretty yet such a bitch" I turned my head to the side taking it back

"it's a wonder your still leader" I mutter, he just walks off and everyone goes back to doing whatever, I hate Alpha, he doesn't treat anyone with respect, he is unfair and I just hate him.


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