Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

"Peeta? Do you really think there could be an "Us"?" She hesitantly asks me. I ponder on this, to make it look like I'm thinking but I already know the answer.
"NO!" Someone screams from behind us. We both turn and see Finnick Odair. He is tall and muscular. With tan skin, bronze-colored hair. and incredible sea green eyes. He's very handsome and ONLY 16! That's not a good thing! Don't ask me how he got here, cause I don't know, but I don't like it cause Katniss won't take her eyes off of him! The train suddenly stops, so we have to get up and walk past him! Yippeee! We get up, as I take Katniss's hand, still staring at Finnick who has now in return stared at her! So I do something unexpected, I reach down and French Kiss Katniss! I wasn't expecting it to be that way, but that's just the way it turned out! Well she liked it all right, because she wasn' t about to stop frenchin me back! And the weird thing was, was that I actually enjoyed it!

I glanced up at Finnick, who's mouth had dropped down to his ankles now, because he wish's he where me right now!
Then we here footsteps coming from down the hall. Finnick dashes into the closet, as we clean ourselves off from out play time! Effie then walks in,

"Let's go its time to get off and start this tour." Effie says, somewhat annoyed. She looks at Katniss, then at me, "And get that lipstick off your mouth, before we get off this train!" Katniss blushes! And so do I. That's the first time so one has ever said that to me! We go to the bathroom fix ourselves, then follow Effie out of the room.
Our outfits are going to be a sunset orange color! There's no welcoming committee on the platform, just eight Peacekeepers, who direct us to the back of an armored truck. Effie sniffs as the door clanks closed behind us. "Really you'd think we were all criminals," She says.
The truck lets us out to the back of the Justice Building. We're hurried inside. I can smell an excellent meal being prepared, but it doesn't block out the odors of mildew and rot. They've left us no time to look around. As we make a beeline for the front entrance, I can hear the anthem beginning. I take Katniss's left hand. The mayor's introducing us as the huge doors open with a groan.
"Big Smiles!" Effie says, and gives us a nudge. Our feet start moving forward. The solemn ceremony is pretty tightly mapped out, so I'm not sure how to do it. It's not a time for kissing, maybe we can work one in. There's loud applause, but none of the other responses we got in the Capitol, the cheers and whoops, and whistles. Once the mayor finishes his introduction, two little girls come up with HUGE bouquets of flowers. I do my part of the scripted reply as Katniss finds her lips moving to conclude it. I had my personal messages written on a card, so I can read right off of it, but I don't use it. Instead I speak in my " simple, winning style" about Thresh and Rue making it to the final eight, about how they both kept Katniss alive- thereby keeping ME alive- about how this is a dept we can never repay. But then I hesitate before adding something that isn't written on the card. " It can in NO way replace your losses, but as a token of our thanks we'd like for each of the tributes' families from District 11 to receive one month of our winnings every year for the duration of our lives."  Katniss looks up at me, who's still tightly holding onto my hand, and I give her a sad smile. Then all of a sudden Katniss rise's up on her tiptoes to kiss me! The mayor steps forward giving us a plaque. We're about to leave when,

"Wait!" Katniss stumbles forward. Letting go of me for the first time since we got off the train.

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