A simple white t-shirt and denim shorts, and yet it still took her forty-five minutes to finally be ready for their date. The cause of her taking so long being that she just wanted to waste time, so they wouldn't have to be out for long.

"I'm thinking that we should eat dinner soon. I'm starting to get hungry, aren't you?" Lukasz pulled Rosie closer, wrapping his arm around her, but this was his fifth attempt of trying to hold her and it was no use. She had managed to escape his embrace and separated herself from him.

"I'm not that hungry," she told him. "I don't even know why you chose to go in the city when we could have booked a flight to Italy or Greece, like we've talked about before."

He was supposed to book those tickets last month. "Well, there's still time, if you want to go. Just anywhere but Croatia. We've been there about a million times already."

"Um—" the Croat coughed awkwardly, defending her home country, "excuse you. Croatia is awesome. You seemed to like it the last five times we went."

"We go every year. But if you want to, I can book the tickets tonight."

"No point in booking them if you're not going to like it."

"Rosie, I'm on break right now. I don't care what we do, but if you want to go to Croatia, then we'll go." Lukasz shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground.

"I mean, if you want to do them with your friends, then go ahead." She crossed her arms. "I don't mind." Because it seems like you care about them more than me.

"Can you just stop being like this to me? I'm trying so hard right now, and you're not making it any better."

It just stressed him out about the fact that Rosie was so aggressive towards him now and not in the way he'd preferred. He didn't know when she had started to act like this, but he just felt so hurt now.

He felt hurt, betrayed, guilty. Lukasz felt everything for his actions, and all he wants is for her to stay. He'll be a good boyfriend, he'll stop leaving her and treating like she was nothing.

He just doesn't know where to start.

"You know on our first date, I took you out to the city. And I remember seeing you so happy that it made me happy," he spoke. "I wanted to take us to Berlin today, but I just hope being here is enough."

Rosie was silent for a while. "I don't like whenever we spend time together because we've stopped talking." She sighed, and her hand brushed against his own. Almost, she almost grabbed his hand and held it. "I miss when we would go on dates and be silly even though we were at fancy restaurants or out in public. I miss the old us, Luka."

"It's been a while, huh?"

Three months, one week and three days, to be precise.

"Look—" Lukasz stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Rosie, his hands cupping her cheeks and caressing them as she looked up to him. In the sunset behind them, she looked beautiful. "Let's just try to enjoy our date tonight, and then we can leave."

He tried to wrap his arms around her shoulders once again, only to not even get her close. How was it that he got so frustrated over the littlest of things?

The Pole was so stressed out about their relationship, what he's constantly doing wrong, even Rosie herself, the list could go on.

But he was in this because he wants her to stay. And if he really does, he would never let her out of his sight.

Well, except for now.

Lukasz looked down to his left expecting to find his girlfriend walking alongside him, but it seems she had just disappeared from his side. Immediately, he stopped and his heart started beating faster. "Rosie?"

She was a pretty short girl for her age, but she was never the one to just wander off. Especially since her only way of getting home was Lukasz driving.

Rosie was left behind, throwing something away at a trash can when she looked and realized that Lukasz wasn't there.

"Lukasz?" She called out, suddenly getting chills up her spine. It was reminding her of when she was alone, years before she met him in Berlin, and she was terrified. "Lukasz!" Making her way through the people and groups throughout the street, Rosie was desperate to find him.

Every second, her heartbeat sped up, and Rosie felt like she was going to faint. It wasn't an exaggeration, everything was coming at her too fast, she can't handle it. Her breathing gets faster, hitching as she frantically turns her head right, left and then right again but where the fuck is my boyfriend?

Lukasz would never leave her. I mean, that's the whole point of all of this, right? Him trying to make her stay.

Luckily, it wasn't long until she spotted him amongst the crowd, looking just as worried as she did.

Rosie ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso, letting her head rest on his chest, leaving him stunned. He ran his fingers through her hair, his mind processing everything that just happened.

"I thought I lost you," she said, squeezing her eyes shut. She didn't know she needed him this bad.

This was another thing she missed. Him.

The feeling of her being right next to him, his arms keeping her and holding her. This is everything he had ever wanted. The second she leaves, he feels empty.

He kisses her forehead and has his arm around her waist. "Let's go home, kochanie."

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