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"Every spirit animal has a reason for refusing to come out of dormant state. I already figured out why for a few of you but I don't want to dig into your personal problems, I know it can be hard." I say. "Thank you for respecting us but what do you mean 'I know it can be hard'?" Hoseok asked.

I let out a long sigh. This is gonna hurt to talk about and I literally just met these boys.

Lilac noticed my discomfort and walked over to me. I was sitting on the couch so she curled up in my lap. "I already told you, you arent a lap dog lilac." I pat her head.

I go to push her but she growls in protest. I sigh and just let her be.

"Well, my mom died before my first birthday and my dad was in the hospital since I was born. It was my first birthday and nobody was there but older kids who didn't care about me. They ignored me and I was so lonely and sad. I wanted nothing more than a friend who I could talk to. That's when lilac appeared. Without knowing, I had called her and she could feel my pain and came. Ever since then, privacy and personal space were rare for me. My dad died soon after my first birthday and every adult was trying to adopt me. All because I was a top trainer."

I let out a sigh. Lilac pushed her body closer to me and nuzzled her head into my hand. I pet her as I continue.

"A single women ended up being the one who adopted me. She hated children but she wanted me for popularity. She abused me and hurt me in ways I didn't know possible."

Lilac growled as I mention the things my 'mom' has done to me. I pet her to soothe her.

"I have never told anyone because she threatened to kill lilac if I did. I can't imagine life without her." I mumble as I continue to pet her.

"Wow. I am so sorry for asking." Hoseok said. "It's fine, you didn't know." "And to think we thought you had a perfect, happy go lucky, life." Yoongi said and shook his head.

"Everyone thinks that because I have become perfect at hiding my emotions and faking a smile." I respond. A tear slid down my cheek and fell to lilacs fur. She whined and licked my hand.

"It's okay girl." I comfort her. "You can stay here with us if you want. I know you just met us but anything seems better than your home." Jin offered. "No, she would kill me if I left." I said.

"I wish I could, I wish lilac could stay here. It would kill me though. I would eventually loose all my energy until it ate me inside out. I know her and I know she would be more miserable without me then suffering with me." I say.

"I wish we could help you." Taehyung said. "It's fine, really. I will be okay. I have two more years before I can move out and officially get away." I respond. "Well we are all 17 so technically once we become 18 we can adopt you." Namjoon said.

"No, I would feel uncomfortable like that. I wouldn't want to see any of you as a father figure. Just purely because of age." I say. "Alright, well good luck. You can stay here as long as you want and you can come whenever. Just don't tell anyone about us." Jimin said.

"Thank you guys. You are really nice to me even though we just met." I thank them. "Well you didn't even know me but you helped me." Jimin replied. "I can't stand trainers picking on low trainers. It drives me crazy. They think their better than everyone except top trainers." I shake my head.

"Well you are the only top trainer we know that doesn't think they are better than everyone else. No top trainer would even dare talk to low trainers." Jungkook stated. "Well I'm different." I respond.

I look at lilac and turn my wrist upwards. She disappears and becomes a tattoo. "So she is on your left wrist?" Jungkook asked. I nod and hold up my wrist so he can see.

"I have to go but it was nice to meet you. Jin, namjoon, jimin, remember what I told you about your animals. Take into mind my advice and you can start to build a bond and eventually they will obey your wishes. If you ever call them but can't call them into dormant state, let me know. Lilac is one of the few who can communicate with other spirit animals." I tell them.

"It's true. She made the boy who cornered me call his elk into dormant state. The elk layed down and put his forehead to lilac's. It was amazing." Jimin informed.

"We will do our best, goodbye for now miyoung." They all say. "One of us need to walk her back. The allies can be tricky." Jin demanded.

Yoongi nodded and stood up. We left the room and walked through the allies. "Thank you yoongi." I hug him once we get out the allies. "No problem." He hugged me back.

"Tell me something really quick." I pull away from the hug. "Hmm?" He questioned.

"Are you ashamed of having a panda as a spirit animal?" I ask. He freezes but then looks away. He sighs and nods. "I thought so. Yoongi, your panda chose you for a reason. Your panda is not something to be ashamed of. Pandas are a good animal to have. One of the many good things it means is that you have the willpower to stay calm under stressful situations. Once you accept your animal and are able to call it, you will be able to think better and quicker in stressful and confusing situations." I explain.

"Promise me that you will not be ashamed of your animal yoongi." I ask and look into his eyes. "Is a panda really as good as you say? Is it really more than just a reminder that I am lazy and like to sleep?" He asked. "Think more into the positives from now on yoongi. Your panda is a sign of significance. You have an ability most don't. Be proud of your ability and be proud of your animal." I respond.

"I promise." He said. I smile and hug him again. "Thank you yoongi." I say into his chest. He rests his cheek on my head.

After a few minutes like that, I hesitantly pull away. "I will do my best to come back tomorrow." I assure. He smiles and nods.

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