"Wait, are you serious...?" You could hear Sohinki ask in the background.

"Why don't you ask for yourself, Sohin?" You heard a click of a button and you could instantly hear the whispers more clearly, indicating that you were on speaker.

"Uh.. (Y/n)?" You heard Sohinki question from the other side of the phone. You laughed to yourself at how nervous he sounded.

"Uhh... hey Sohinki." You replied. You could hear him and everyone else whispering to themselves.

"OMG it's really her..." He spoke up, "Oh! H-Hey (Y/n)! How's it been?" You laugh to youself.

"It's been alright. I'm just sitting outside on a bench. It's kind of warm outside." You say, leaning into the bench.

"Why don't you go inside?" You heard Lasercorn question.

"Because I wasn't sure if I should or not. I'm not exactly outside my own house, you know." You teased, causing yourself to smile.

"Where are you at?" You heard Bose ask. Her voice getting a little louder like she was coming closer to the phone.

"I might be outside the office. But just for a few more minutes. I'm starting to get tired of sitting here all by myself." You could hear everyone arguing about who would go outside to meet you first.

"I'll be outside in a few minutes." Wes confirmed. You could hear everyone in the room groan and tell him to bring you inside. To which he replied, "I planned on it." You couldn't help but laugh. You thought it was cool that the people you looked up to were basically fangirling over you. You could hear Wes as he walked out of the room, shutting a door behind him. He clicked the phone off of speaker.

"I'm sorry about all of that." He laughed nervously.

"No it's fine, I thought it was kind of cool that they all are excited to meet me. In my home town if someone where to hear my name they would cower in fear..." You laughed like it was a joke.

"Wait, are you serious? Why would people be so cruel?"

"Eh, don't worry about it. If everything goes according to plan I'm never going back there so I don't really care. The past is the past." You smiled into the open air. You heard another door open and shut on the other side of the phone.

"You said you're outside the building, right?" He asked, sounding slightly out of breath.

"Yes, Wesley. I am right outside the building."

"Good, because I thought I was going to have to walk farther." You turned to see Wes standing on the other side of the bench. You walked up and hugged him, not really knowing why.

"Hey." He said, patting your head as you still hugged him.

"Hey." Your voice was muffled as you smiled into his chest. You stepped away from him, your smile still plastered all over your face, and looked into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Let's head inside before you get heat stroke." He said, laughing. You agreed, following him into the building.

"Okay." You became serious, "Do the guys really talk about me that much? Or are you just saying that to get my hopes up?" You glance up at him, almost instantly regretting it. The way he looked from that angle could make any other girl melt right down into her shoes, as you almost did.

"Yeah, why would I lie about something like that?" He said, smiling. He always seemed to be smiling.

"I don't know." You laughed at your own stupidity. You quickly approached the front door.

"Well, this is it. Are you really ready to meet everyone else?" He teased. You smiled, nodding your head. He gripped onto the door handle and opened it. You recognized this room from when you waited in line for almost four hours about a week prior for the interview. You smiled as Wes caught up to you, leading you to the office.

"Hey guys, I'm back. And I brought a friend." You walked in the room behind him, glancing around the room. You smiled and waved, your face slightly pink from embarrassement.

"Hi, (Y/n)!" Mari said, running up to you, almost yelling.

"Hi, Mari!" You returned in almost the same tone, causing her to laugh.

"I think she would fit in here just fine." She said, patting you on the head. She returned to her desk in the other room.

"Hi, (Y/n), I'm Bose." She walked up to you, shaking your hand and pulling you in for a hug. You were only about 3-4 inches taller than her.

"Finally! Another short person!" She said excited, hugging you again. You laughed.

"You're still the shortest!" You heard Flitz yell from the other room, causing you to laugh.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Bose stormed away to find Flitz, "I swear to God I'm going to kick your ass some day!"

"If you could reach it!" Lasercorn recoiled, earning a groan from Bose.

You felt your phone vibrate, you lifted it up to see Rhonie's contact name and and text underneath it. You rolled your eyes and opened it.

'Where are you? You're brother said it's suppose to storm soon.' You looked at your phone screen, now worried. You reply to her text:

'Alright. I'll be home soon.'

"I have to go. My brothers wife said he is freaking out because I didn't say where I was going." You lied. You were just starting to get to know everyone, kind of, on a personal level and now you had to go home.

"Awe, so soon?" Wes said, giving a pouty lip. You smiled, mocking his pouty lip.

"Yes, my big brother thinks I'm still a 5-year-old. I can probably stop by tomorrow while he is at work if no one cares." You replyed, no longer mocking Wes. You heard Mari pipe up from the other room.

"YAAS!!!" She yelled in an excited tone. You laughed.

"Well, I guess I'll be back tomorrow." You heard Mari celebrating in the other room.

"Wait, at least let me drive you home." Wes offered, "It will get you home faster."

"Are you allowed to take me home?" I teased.

"I'll be back in a few minutes! I'm running (Y/n) home!" Everyone either said okay or just groaned in responce.

"Well, I guess you're talking me home."

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now