Lucas Hello Lucas x Reader

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You all, including your own family, (parents aunts uncles grandparents so about 6 people followed you) were in the Matthews kitchen where Maya explained how she didn't want to fail.
"I don't want to go to the dance, I want to go to the family reunion more than anything," you said to your parents.
"You're going to the dance, Mr.Matthews is chaperoning," your father said. You raised your hand.
"What's that mean?"
"Hand," Maya said and your hand went down,
"What's that mean?"
"Grown up voice,"
"Lucas hello," you accidentally said and your family all eyed you suspiciously.
"What's that mean?" Your grandma said while laughing. You just looked dazed as you dreamed of your dance with Lucas while Maya laughed.

My own little take on Girl Meets Father💕

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