Would You Talk For Me? Farkle x Reader

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You all were at Topanga's just talking about the usual. You were sitting next to Farkle cuddled into his side. Soon after everyone left and you and Farkle continued to walk to his house. You liked it better there than at your own where your parents often abused you. When you got there you hoped on his bed, he chuckled and lifted you up and put you on his lap.
"Would you talk for me?" Farkle asked. He asked this everyday since you went mute when you were in second grade. Farkle was the only one you talked to before hand and so he remembered your beautiful voice before you locked it up. You snuggled into him, but soon decided enough was enough. You sat up straighter making Farkle look at you questionably. You then leaned over to his ear and whispered three words.
"I love you," you said so quietly, but Farkle heard and he jumped for joy. He started laughing and then went over to you.
"I love you too," he said and then preceded to give you a peck on the lips. You blushed, but gave him a hug. You took the beanie off his head and messed up his hair with your fingers laughing all the while. And Farkle just laughed and held you.

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