the long game (farkle x reader)

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i scream at the top of my lungs as i enter the matthew's residence.

"when did i declare you as my child?"

mr. matthews points at me as i sit down at the table. i shrug and eat the popcorn topanga had set out in preparation. soon, riley's uncle and maya had arrived leaving us awaiting for lucas and farkle. farkle. let me just say: he creeped me out when we were young, but when he grew his hair out? i want to marry that boy. when the doorbell rang and we found out it was the two boys, me and riley dashed to the door to see who could open it first. of course, she made it there before me. her legs are like skyscrapers like damn girl okay. when farkle walked in, i quickly intervened and made him sit next to me.

"because topanga, the second she allowed dr. turtleneck and mr. howdy into our household, our family was compromised by interlopers"

"dude, do not be alarmed, but... i think you might be dr. turtleneck"

"i didn't think it was noticeable i was wearing one"

farkle fake gasped at my sly comment. i moved closer to him and he smiled. i really hope this goes somewhere tonight otherwise i would have just listened to a middle-aged man rant about his teenage daughter growing up for half an hour straight. while i was hoping for some sort of romantic spark between me and farkle, it was decided we were gonna start playing.

"do they even know how the play the family game?"

maya turned in her seat and began pointing.

"let me teach the rules! always wins. alway eats too much popcorn and says, 'i'm never eating popcorn again'

she turned to me and went to say something, but hesitated and then smirked.

"you guys gonna kiss or what?"

i really hope she's enjoyed her 16 years on this earth, because she's not gonna live to see 17. i was most likely fire truck red as i pretended to not hear what she said. pretty soon, we all began playing the game after a really weird enactment of today's class by riley and her dad. me and farkle were on the same team and were doing pretty well. the game dragged on forever, until i was about passed out with my head in farkle's lap. he kept asking me questions about what i wanted for our fake family.

"do whatever. i'm too tired to care, so i'll be your submissive housewife"

i dozed off after that and when i woke up, i found out we were playing the long game and i groaned. i felt farkle run his hands through my hair and i tried my hardest not to ahem jump him. almost all of our friends and riley's family were passed out and if they weren't, they probably were close to it. farkle had laid down and brought me into his arms while we tried not to sleep. i finally gave up and just turned around in his arms and fell asleep. when i woke up the next morning, i was still tangled in farkle's arms while everyone else was sleeping in other parts of the apartment. farkle woke up soon after and chuckled at my dazed expression.

"ava and auggie won"

"that's good, glad to know auggie and his woman won"

farkle leaned close to me and pecked my forehead. it's not even 10 in the morning and i'm already freaking out.

"i think we should hang out soon, just the two of us?"

i'm internally screaming at this point.

"maybe play the long game?"

YOOO we gotta another imagine after like 3 years 😩this might be the last one, i'm not totally sure but i just thought it'd be nice to give you guys one because this book has 123k views 😭 thanks for all the support, even when i didn't post. also, yes i can see y'all putting this story in your lists called "hot guys 🔥" <3
-mina (yin)

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